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Update: Video Preview

I am still busy finalizing the Fullpage.js Addon for Visual Composer. Hope to have some more images or even a video next week :)

Some requirements for the Visual Composer Addon:

  1. PHP 5.4+, as I am using traits and advanced autoloading.
  2. Timber (TWIG for WordPress), for current and future templating. Currently mostly used for the main administration of the core module handler.
  3. iScroller for overflowing content (will be part of the package)
  4. Otherwise the default Fullpage.js restrictions apply

The Addon will ease Fullpage.js integration immensely, but for a more advanced integration some CSS / JavaScript knowledge will always be needed. Do checkout the main Fullpage.js documentation for more information.

Many people have asked me for a release date. I currently plan to have a fully working Beta in the next 2-3 weeks. Will offer the Addon to a small closed group of customers first, before I think about other release options. I think I will offer between 20-30 slots for the beta run. If you are interested let me know.


Many developers hesitate to call WordPress a PHP development platform. I know what I am talking about, as I developed a platform of my own. PHP platforms normally only provide a skeleton and we need to

  • Decide on a database schema
  • Create the database
  • Setup backends and dashboards
  • Design the presentation layer
  • Implement user-level authentication and similar


With WordPress you get most of this out-of-the-box, with some predefined structures.

Having a flexible administration backend in place makes it easy to concentrate on the things that matter for a project, which is designing a frontend experience.


And especially with the JSON REST API finding its way into the core slowly, you are completely free when it comes to using the stored data in your frontend designs.

Sure that was possible before, just with some more work on our side ;)

But WordPress embracing the “freeing of data” through JSON, shows us where the ride is going.


There has not been a single project of mine in the past year, that has not used the REST API in some way. And all of this fits perfectly into the new single page app universe.

WordPress interfaces with your javascript framework setup (client side templating, DOM manipulation, data binding, routing …) and frees you from any design handcuffs.

It has become much easier and faster over the past 2 years to say “YES” to many of my clients wishes.

Its nice to finally see data flow from the server to the client and back that easily.

If you are not exited about this … I am :)

…enjoy coding


In a current project I am using pages as templates, to load content into specific containers on the website. The website will be using up to 15 different languages.

The main language setup is done through WPML, which creates linked content per language. This helps, as some languages will fail terribly when translating them through a pure gettext setup, as the words setup is often completely different.

But there is always static stuff that can be translated directly through the language files. For that I use a simple shortcode that allows me to keep the native language as a basis in all linked content. Easier to move around, as I can actually read and understand it :)

Call the shortcode from the functions.php

The shortcode function itself. This loads the language textdomain from the specified location and translates the string.

How to use it in your post or page content



The first two headers prevent the browser from caching the response and the third sets the correct MIME type for JSON.

Than just output your JSON data



Adding Metaboxes in WordPress to your admin areas normally involves 3 steps:

  1. Action to define the metabox area
  2. Callback to define the metabox content
  3. Action to handle the metabox updates / saves

This can be done much easier using Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress, which is a metabox, custom fields and forms library. The library provides a bunch of custom fields and also allows you to add your own easily. Much easier to build new Metaboxes fast!

List of field types included:

  1. title An arbitrary title field *
  2. text
  3. text_small
  4. text_medium
  5. text_email
  6. text_url
  7. text_money
  8. textarea
  9. textarea_small
  10. textarea_code
  11. text_date Date Picker
  12. text_time Time picker
  13. select_timezone Time zone dropdown
  14. text_date_timestamp Date Picker (UNIX timestamp)
  15. text_datetime_timestamp Text Date/Time Picker Combo (UNIX timestamp)
  16. text_datetime_timestamp_timezone Text Date/Time Picker/Time zone Combo (serialized DateTime object)
  17. colorpicker Color picker
  18. radio *
  19. radio_inline *
  20. taxonomy_radio *
  21. taxonomy_radio_inline *
  22. select
  23. taxonomy_select *
  24. checkbox *
  25. multicheck
  26. taxonomy_multicheck *
  27. taxonomy_multicheck_inline
  28. wysiwyg (TinyMCE) *
  29. file Image/File upload *†
  30. file_list Image/File list upload
  31. oembed Converts oembed urls (instagram, twitter, youtube, etc. oEmbed in the Codex)
  32. group Hybrid field that supports adding other fields as a repeatable group. *

Simple example from the CMB2 Github page



The current Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress integrates no Opt-Out to disable tracking, which is required in Europe. Here is a workaround for that.

Paste this into your theme function.php.

Then add this to your data privacy document:



Will be adding some basic information about using the current Google API with the PHP SDK, this includes Google+, Youtube and other services. For setting up the actual API access see the Google documentation and Google Developer Console 

Including the SDK (Github)

 Prepare Client

 Set Scope (Available Scopes)

Setup Google Plus Client


Get Google Plus Activity



Will be adding some basic information about using the current Facebook API with the PHP SDK.  Have been updating a lot of old API integrations over the past 2 months and finally solved many badly documented areas of the new API. Will be updating this in the future, as I dive deeper into the latest API changes.

Including the SDK (Github)

Depending on what you want to do with the API, the above needs to be adjusted. Check the Facebook API documentation for more details.

Basic Login / User data retrieval







As part of our complete network upgrade, portalZINE.TV gets a complete facelift as well. The whole website has been streamlined in preparation for the new season.

portalZINE TV
