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Looking for a reliable partner to bring your project to the next level? Whether it’s development, design, security, or ongoing support—I’d love to chat and see how I can help.

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The Letters Of The Alphabet Are Arranged Crosswise 2023 11 27 05 02 11 Utc

Best Solutions to Run WordPress Locally 2025

Running WordPress locally is essential for testing, development, and experimentation without affecting a live website. There are several solutions available, each catering to different needs. Below, we explore the best ways to set up WordPress on your local machine, along with useful links. 1. Local by Flywheel Local is a powerful, free local development environment […]

Pile of Large Wood Logs in the Forest. Timber Industry.

Enhancing WordPress Development with the Timber Template System

WordPress has long been the go-to CMS for developers and designers, but its traditional PHP-based templating system can sometimes feel outdated and cumbersome. Enter Timber, a powerful templating framework that brings the flexibility and clarity of the Twig templating language to WordPress. With Timber, developers can separate logic from presentation, leading to cleaner, more maintainable code. All my […]

2023 Wordpress Speedup Mo Files

WordPress: Caching MO-files … Does it make any sense!

First a bit of context :) What is Gettext? Translation within WordPress is based of Gettext. Gettext is a software internationalization and localization (i18n) framework used in many programming languages to facilitate the translation of software applications into different languages. It provides a set of tools and libraries for managing multilingual strings and translating them […]

Wordpress Gutenberg

How to access Gutenberg Block Text-Selections / Text-Formats and other Mysteries

Gutenberg Documentation While Gutenberg is becoming more stable with each release, documentation is only growing slowly. Many parts are outdated, superficial or completely undocumented. For more complex or individual requirements you have to dive deep. Gladly the browser console allows you to easily checkout what is driving the editor. Open your browser developer console and […]

Cubicfusion Admin Enhancer 02

Welcome Dashboard with Gutenberg – cubicFUSION Admin Enhancer 0.2.5

What’s new / What changed ? Admin Enhancer is the first free plugin released under the cubicFUSION brand. The plugin is still work in progress, but a tool that is already used within some of my client projects. I am using this  plugin to centralise things I love & need, when sending out a finished website or […]

Cubicfusion Hotspot

Extending iPanorama 360 with an arial / floor – map

WHAT IS IPANORAMA 360? iPanorama 360 for WordPress is a specialized plugin that enables users to create and display interactive 360-degree virtual tours or panoramic images on WordPress websites. It extends the functionality of the WordPress content management system by providing a user-friendly interface and a range of features specifically tailored for creating and showcasing 360-degree […]

Multisite Solution Wpml

Solutions: WordPress + MultiSite + WPML + Simplied folder structure

THE QUESTION A while back a potential customer asked me, if it is possible to restructure a WordPress Multisite setup and WPML with a more simplified and custom url structure? THE ROUGH IDEA 1 . (with possibly different languages) 2.  Languages would normally be added like this: The customer wanted it to be restructured / simplified […]

Hotel Booking Wp

B&B / Hotel Booking Solutions for WordPress | 2024

BOOKING SOLUTIONS 202x This is my take on a subset of booking, appointment, PMS or reservation solutions for WordPress. Update 02.04.2024Moving down the rabbit hole again :) Will be diving a bit deeper into some the solutions and their feature-sets. Might split this up into multiple posts :) Will see, which of the developers are interested […]

Ipanorama 360 Api

iPanorama 360 – Events / API

Extending iPanorama 360 can be a challenge, as none of the events are documented. You can talk to the developer or ask for support to get things done.  You can also read up on the core assets used:ipanorama.min.js jquery.ipanorama.min.js.  You can easily search for the events and figure out the parameters passed. Here a quick reference for things […]

Cubicfusion Admin Enhancer 2020 1

White Label Dashboards with cubicFUSION Admin Enhancer for WordPress!

cubicFUSION cubicFUSION is my personal development playground. I always planned to make many of my projects public, but time is limited and running customer projects a priority. I am still doing a big cleanup of my toolset and will see what I can actually share or reuse. Some of these might be useful, inspiration or just an […]

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