Opt-Out for Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress

9 years ago

The current Google Analytics Dashboard for Wordpress integrates no Opt-Out to disable tracking, which is required in Europe. Here is a… Read More

Defer Parsing of JavaScript in WordPress – new filter & old hack

9 years ago

When the defer attribute is present in the script tag, it specifies that the script is executed when the page… Read More

Check & Add GZIP Browser Compression

9 years ago

Compressing your content saves bandwidth and improves render time, particular on devices with slow internet connections. Compression allows your web… Read More

Google API / PHP SDK / Plus / Youtube & more

9 years ago

Will be adding some basic information about using the current Google API with the PHP SDK, this includes Google+, Youtube and… Read More

Facebook API / PHP SDK / Login & more

9 years ago

Will be adding some basic information about using the current Facebook API with the PHP SDK.  Have been updating a… Read More

Forcing a different HTTP Response Header in WordPress

9 years ago

I had a problem with the tag pagination throwing 404 errors and was forced to integrate a custom query into… Read More

CountUP.js to animate numbers

9 years ago

"countUp.js is a dependency-free, lightweight JavaScript "class" that can be used to quickly create animations that display numerical data in… Read More

Getting the average of an array of numbers

9 years ago

PHP [crayon-66edd9c940f2d357565781/]  Javascript [crayon-66edd9c940f30031072597/]   Read More

portalZINE.TV gets full upgrade

9 years ago

As part of our complete network upgrade, portalZINE.TV gets a complete facelift as well. The whole website has been streamlined… Read More

Embedding Vimeo Video using Froogaloop

9 years ago

1. Add Vimeo iframe [crayon-66edd9c940f7c313192781/] 2. Load Froogaloop and add some Javascript [crayon-66edd9c940f7e088739458/] This will add a READY event for… Read More