Looking for a Magento developer?

11 years ago

If you are looking for a Magento Commerce developer get in touch with me :) Regards Alexander Read More

Magento Upgrade to 1.8 alpha 1

11 years ago

Just upgraded one of the development versions to the 1.8 alpha1 release. Lets see how some of my modifications behave… Read More

cubicFUSION Picasa 1.01

11 years ago

Just updated the plugin again. done - Template method done - Add title and description as options done - Picasa… Read More

cubicFUSION Picasa 1.00 for jQuery goes live

11 years ago

Just released a new plugin for jQuery. cubicFUSION Picasa allows you to easily pull images from Picasa / Google+ into your… Read More

jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.70 Preview goes live!

12 years ago

jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.70 Preview has been uploaded. I have not updated the documentation yet. This version adds the ability… Read More

Small delay for the preview of Horizontal Accordion 2.7

12 years ago

Doing some more changes before I release the preview of the Horizontal Accordion 2.7. Just a view days ;) Alexander Read More

jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.70 Preview

12 years ago

I will be releasing jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.70 Preview to customers this week. I will keep it as a preview, until… Read More

watchmi Themenkanal (Sat)

12 years ago

Die Themenkanäle von watchmi bieten ein breitgefächertes Angebot kostenfreier on demand-Inhalte. Themenkanäle erscheinen im Kanalmenü gleichberechtigt neben herkömmlichen Fernsehsendern und… Read More

jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.7 is almost ready

12 years ago

jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.7 is almost ready - complete cleanup - easy to extend using modular methods, even core methods… Read More

Free does not always work

12 years ago

The jQuery Horizontal Accordion has been downloaded 280.000 times over the past 2 years. The freely available plugin was a… Read More