Your own custom maintenance mode for WordPress

The custom maintenance mode message in WordPress, during upgrades and installs, is far from beautiful :) Time to change that! You can do your own page by adding a pure PHP maintenance.php into your /wp-content folder. Now go and build a nice page ! Just remember that during maintenance no WordPress functionality is available! Enjoy coding …

Simple Solutions Jquery

You might not need jQuery or Javascript!

Transition jQuery has provided easy access to complicated core Javascript solutions in the past and has been shielding us from difficult workarounds for legacy browsers. But times have changed and many of those things can be done as easily using Javascript directly. jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes interactions with HTML documents […]

Wpml Break The Language Barrier

WPML – Going multilingual with WordPress

Getting started „WPML (WordPress Multilingual) makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them. It’s powerful enough for corporate sites, yet simple for blogs.“ – WPML I have been running and setting up multilingual websites for more than 12 years. WordPress and related integrations have gladly come a long way to make our life’s […]

WP REST API rendered output & Visual Composer

Visual Composer shortcodes are normally not converted within the WordPress REST API rendered output. This can be accomplished by calling WPBMap::addAllMappedShortcodes(); add_action( ‚rest_api_init‘, function () { register_rest_field( ‚page‘, ‚content‘, array( ‚get_callback‘ => ‚convert_do_shortcodes‘, ‚update_callback‘ => null, ’schema‘ => null, ) ); }); function convert_do_shortcodes( $object, $field_name, $request ) { WPBMap::addAllMappedShortcodes(); // This does all the work global […]

Portalzine World Grain 02 2025

World Grain / Milling & Grain – vibronet® advertisment 2025

World Grain + Milling & Grain magazine advertisment 2025 World GrainMilling & Grainvibronet® Gräf GmbH & Co. KG

2023 Wordpress Speedup Mo Files

WordPress: Caching MO-files … Does it make any sense!

First a bit of context :) What is Gettext? Translation within WordPress is based of Gettext. Gettext is a software internationalization and localization (i18n) framework used in many programming languages to facilitate the translation of software applications into different languages. It provides a set of tools and libraries for managing multilingual strings and translating them […]

WordPress Plugins & Sessions

START SESSION ON INIT add_action(‚init‘, ‚pluginStartSession‘, 1); function pluginStartSession() { if(!session_id()) { session_start(); } } NEW SESSION ON LOGIN / LOGOUT add_action(‚wp_logout‘, ‚pluginEndSession‘); add_action(‚wp_login‘, ‚pluginEndSession‘); function pluginEndSession() { session_destroy (); } Now go ahead and use $_SESSION freely in your plugin. Here a nice additional class to  encrypt session data. Enjoy coding ….

Keep It Simple

WordPress Cron + WP-CLI + Ntfy

THE GOAL Create a system cron for WordPress, that is accessible and can be easily tweaked to provide more details. Here some basic information about crons and the tools I am going to use … WordPress CRON In WordPress, the term „cron“ refers to the system used for scheduling tasks to be executed at predefined […]

WordPress + Query_Posts + Sticky + Pagination

We often have some posts that we would like to promote and keep at the first page of the blog. When you are using pagination, the sticky posts will be added to the standard posts, making the post count per page uneven. If you want to keep your posts per page count consistent, there is […]

Willen Logistic Loeningen

Willen Logistics | Business Cards

I designed a fresh set of business cards for Willen Logistics last year, this is a small iteration with a QR-Code on the back. The business cards feature a partial varnish on the logo and QR-Code. I updated their different logos last year, to streamline their main corporate colors. „Seit mehr als 50 Jahren ist […]

Saint-Gobain WorldCup Team 2014

3. Juli 2014
  1. Setup a virtual soccer team that competes during the WorldCup 2014 in Brazil
  2. Custom plugin integration
  3. Pre-registration
  4. Team setup before the tournament
  5. Players with real images / virtual squad positions and selection
  6. Multi-language setup (13 languages), teams compete in their country section
  7. Facebook API connection for registration and updates
  8. Setup your virtual team, choose players (only one player per country)
  9. 3 players can be exchanged during the tournament
  10. Live football result integration / schedules using an external sports API (Infostrada)
  11. Specialized point calculation for different tournament incidents & rounds
  12. Score when real teams / players score
  13. Virtual country ranking
  14. Play with friends
  15. Top scorer can win a prize after each round
  16. Extensive usage statistics
  17. Legacy browser support
  18. Responsive design

Let’s Talk!

Suchen Sie einen zuverlässigen Partner, der Ihr Projekt auf die nächste Stufe bringt? Ob es sich um Entwicklung, Design, Sicherheit oder laufenden Support handelt – ich würde mich gerne mit Ihnen unterhalten und herausfinden, wie ich Ihnen helfen kann.

Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf,
und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam etwas Erstaunliches schaffen!


Days Of Docker 6

Day 6: Monocker – Monitor Docker – 7 Days of Docker

Monitoring the health and status of Docker containers is crucial for maintaining a reliable and efficient environment. Monocker is a lightweight tool designed to address this need by monitoring Docker container state changes and sending real-time alerts through various messaging platforms. What is Monocker? Monocker, short for “MONitors dOCKER,” is an open-source application that keeps […]

The Letters Of The Alphabet Are Arranged Crosswise 2023 11 27 05 02 11 Utc

Best Solutions to Run WordPress Locally 2025

Running WordPress locally is essential for testing, development, and experimentation without affecting a live website. There are several solutions available, each catering to different needs. Below, we explore the best ways to set up WordPress on your local machine, along with useful links. 1. Local by Flywheel Local by Flywheel is a user-friendly tool that simplifies […]

Portalzine Griller

Der Vegane Griller

The Vegan Griller …Not sure if I am keeping that domain alive! Time for spring to show up … Der Vegane Griller Still cleaning up the server & website. Music is back and so is my online status ;) Amazing how much stuff accumulates over the years. So refreshing to start clean! Not sure If […]


Ich bin ein Full-Stack-Entwickler. Meine Fachkenntnisse umfassen:

  • Server-, Netzwerk- und Hosting-Umgebungen
  • Datenmodellierung / Import / Export
  • Geschäftslogik
  • API-Schicht / Aktionsschicht / MVC
  • Benutzeroberflächen
  • Benutzererfahrung
  • Verstehen, was der Kunde und das Unternehmen brauchen

Ich habe eine große Leidenschaft für das Programmieren, das Design und die Serverarchitektur – jeder dieser Bereiche beflügelt meine Kreativität, und ich würde mich ohne sie nicht vollständig fühlen.

Mit einem breiten Spektrum an Interessen erforsche ich ständig neue Technologien und erweitere mein Wissen, wo immer es nötig ist. Die Welt der Technik entwickelt sich rasant, und ich liebe es, mit den neuesten Innovationen Schritt zu halten.

Jenseits der Technologie schätze ich den Frieden und umgebe mich mit Gleichgesinnten.

Ich glaube fest an das Prinzip: Helfen Sie anderen, und die Hilfe wird zu Ihnen zurückkommen, wenn Sie sie brauchen.