Papa Parse is a powerful, in-browser CSV parser for the big boys and girls :)
If you do need easy CSV parsing and conversion back to CSV, take a look at it!
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// Parse CSV string var data = Papa.parse(csv); // Convert back to CSV var csv = Papa.unparse(data); // Parse local CSV file Papa.parse(file, { complete: function(results) { console.log("Finished:",; } }); // Stream big file in worker thread Papa.parse(bigFile, { worker: true, step: function(results) { console.log("Row:",; } }); |
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<input type="file" name="File Upload" id="txtFileUpload" accept=".csv" /> |
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document.getElementById('txtFileUpload').addEventListener('change', upload, false); function upload(evt) { var data = null; var file =[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(file); reader.onload = function(event) { var csvData =; var data = Papa.parse(csvData, {header : true}); console.log(data); }; reader.onerror = function() { alert('Unable to read ' + file.fileName); }; } |
Papa Parse is the fastest in-browser CSV (or delimited text) parser for JavaScript. It is reliable and correct according to RFC 4180, and it comes with these features:
- Easy to use
- Parse CSV files directly (local or over the network)
- Fast mode
- Stream large files (even via HTTP)
- Reverse parsing (converts JSON to CSV)
- Auto-detect delimiter
- Worker threads to keep your web page reactive
- Header row support
- Pause, resume, abort
- Can convert numbers and booleans to their types
- Optional jQuery integration to get files from
<input type="file">
elements - One of the only parsers that correctly handles line-breaks and quotations
I am currently using it to quickly parse Adobe Audition CSV marker files and prepare them for storage for my podcast.
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Name Start Duration Time Format Type Description Ankündigungen 0:20.432 0:00.000 decimal Cue Stargate Table Read 1:12.811 0:00.000 decimal Cue Dune Part One 2021 1:58.677 0:00.000 decimal Cue Dust - Cosmo 2:20.925 0:00.000 decimal Cue Nina - Beyond Memory 2:51.276 0:00.000 decimal Cue |
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Papa.unparse(tabData, { delimiter: "\tab", header: true, newline: "\r\n", skipEmptyLines: true }) |