„Viktualia liefert an Abholstationen im Raum Heidelberg.
Viktualia bündelt für dich das Angebot kleiner und kleinster Höfe aus der Region. Das Ergebnis: Die ganze Vielfalt dessen, was ausgewählte Erzeuger zu bieten haben. Einfach im Onlineshop Brot, Eier, Fleisch, Käse, Joghurt, Gemüse und vieles mehr bestellen und die Einkäufe entspannt auf dem Heimweg an einer Abholstation mitnehmen.“
„Viktualia delivers to pick-up stations in the Heidelberg area.
Viktualia bundles the range of small and very small farms from the region for you. The result: the full diversity of what selected producers have to offer. Simply order bread, eggs, meat, cheese, yoghurt, vegetables and much more in the online shop and take your shopping with you to a pick-up station on the way home. „
01.11.2020: This project has been with me for the past months. We just finished our beta testdrive with a close testing group a few weeks ago. The shop will be completely open on the 25.11., with the first delivery going out on the 2.12. It was pleasure working on this project and I am looking forward to its lift-off.
25.11.2020: Viktualia is open for business! (Viktualia ist am Start!)
28.3.2021: Now also delivers directly to your doorstep, if your address is within the delivery area. A perfect fit for those that can not go out and still want access to fresh products. We also added a quick category menu within the shop, to access certain areas more easily.
This was a combined effort with GREENTONIC, Heike Frank.