I am currently building a custom slides / template builder for a project, with a lot of moving parts and dynamic logic.
As there are repeating patterns within the slides, each pattern and its logic needs to be neatly separated. As the slides can be reordered and dropzones can be changed, I need to make sure logic doesn’t break and IDs get updated.
Before reassembling all templates, I am making sure that IDs match the slide and dropzone using a preg_replace_callback
One of the patterns is a simple tab setup, each has its unique ID defined like vl-tab_U1_S1_D1.
The function below passes the found matches through to the anonymous callback function in preg_replace_callback and offers outside data to the function using use($foo). The $dropzone object holds the current unit, slide and dropzone of the pattern, which can be used to replace the current ID with the correct one.
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$dropzone->region_content = preg_replace_callback('/vl-tab_[^"]++/',function($hit) use($dropzone){ $oldID = explode("_",$hit[0]); $newID = array( "vl-tab", "U".$oldID[1], "S".$dropzone->slide, "D".$dropzone->dropzone ); return implode("_", $newID); },$dropzone->region_content); |
Really nice combo to make magic happen ;)
BTW here a nice website to testdrive and tweak your Regex : https://regex101.com/
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