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White Label Dashboards with cubicFUSION Admin Enhancer for WordPress!

13. Mai 2020

White Label Dashboards with cubicFUSION Admin Enhancer for WordPress!


cubicFUSION is my personal development playground. I always planned to make many of my projects public, but time is limited and running customer projects a priority.

I am still doing a big cleanup of my toolset and will see what I can actually share or reuse. Some of these might be useful, inspiration or just an archive of broken ideas  ;)

Admin Enhancer

The first public release is cubicFUSION Admin Enhancer. This is a free toolbox that adds useful admin features and resources to help you tweak the WordPress administration. I am always looking for ways to easily white-label the experience for my customers.

The first addon SHORTCODES converts all admin dashboard widgets to simple shortcodes. You can use those shortcodes within Elementor Pro or any other page builder, that allows you to create custom admin dashboards. This makes it easy to build white-label dashboards, while still reusing all those nice dashboard widgets :)

The plugin can be downloaded from the
Projects page or directly from the
WordPress Repository.


Available Admin Dashboard Solutions

Dashboard Welcome for Elementor (Free)

portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | elementor

„Dashboard Welcome by PowerPack Elements gives you full control over the WordPress welcome panel using Elementor.

You can personalize the dashboard with content and design built with Elementor. You can add heading, contact information, form, video, images, affiliate links, etc.

Dashboard Welcome for Beaver Builder (Free)

portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | beaver builder

„Welcome by Beaver Addons gives you full control over the WordPress welcome panel using Beaver Builder.

You can personalize the dashboard with content and design built with Beaver Builder. You can add heading, contact information, form, video, images, affiliate links, etc.“

Divi Dashboard Welcome ($22)

portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | divi

„Divi Dashboard Welcome is a revolutionary plugin that FINALLY gives you control over the WordPress Dashboard Welcome screen for yours and your client sites.

This means you can get rid of the default WordPress “getting started” content, and add your own branding, or your client’s branding. This allows you to upsell your additional services, create a client support hub, provide useful links or videos, and so much more!“

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Ich bin ein Full-Stack-Entwickler. Meine Expertise umfasst:

  • Server-, Netzwerk- und Hosting-Umgebungen
  • Datenmodellierung / Import / Export
  • Geschäftslogik
  • API Layer / Action Layer / MVC
  • Benutzeroberflächen
  • User Experience
  • Verständnis für Kundenwünsche und Geschäftsbedürfnisse


Ich liebe die Entwicklung, das Design und kenne mich auch mit Serverarchitekturen aus.  Ich würde mich nie vollständig fühlen, wenn einer der Bereiche fehlen würde.

Ich habe ein breites Interessengebiet, deshalb tauche ich ständig in neue Technologien ein und erweitere mein Wissen, wo immer es nötig ist. Die Technologien entwickeln sich schnell und ich genieße es, die neuesten Technologien zu nutzen.

Abgesehen davon bin ich ein friedliebender Kerl, der versucht, Leute um sich herum zu haben, die dasselbe denken.  Ich glaube wirklich an das Prinzip: "Wenn man jemandem hilft, wird einem jemand helfen, wenn man es braucht."

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