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Update All Your Social Media Profiles with IFTTT + Buffer

18. März 2016

Update All Your Social Media Profiles with IFTTT + Buffer


IFTTT is a free web-based service that allows users to create chains of simple conditional statements, called „recipes“, which are triggered based on changes to other web services such as Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. IFTTT is an abbreviation of „If This Then That“.


Buffer is a new and smarter way to share what you want to share on Social Media. You add updates to your Buffer queue and it will be posted for you well spaced out over the day – and at the best times.


  1. Make sure all the Buffer social media profiles are set to update by default.
  2. In IFTTT, make sure your Gmail and Feed channels are turned on.
  3. Create a new recipe
  4. For this, select the Feed Channel, and choose the New feed item box. Then, enter your blog’s RSS feed.
  5. Click the Create Trigger button.
  6. For that, select the Gmail Channel, and choose the Send an email box.
  7. For the To: address use your SECRET Buffer email address.
  8. For the Subject use {{EntryTitle}}.
  9. For the Body use {{EntryUrl}}<br>@now . Remove the @now, if you want to add new feed items to the Buffer queue and not send them imediately.
  10. Click the Create Action button, give your recipe a description and click the Create Recipe button.
  11. Now when a new item is added to you RSS feed, IFTTT will update Buffer , which will update all connected social media profiles.


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