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Solutions: Facebook Gray Accounts + rescue of connected pages

11. Oktober 2022

Solutions: Facebook Gray Accounts + rescue of connected pages

Facebook sucks …. and now how to solve saving pages connected to a gray account! Might not work for everyone, but it solved it for me.

What are Gray accounts?

„A gray account is an account used to log into Facebook that is not associated with a personal profile or account. People used to be able to manage their Pages with gray accounts before we required individuals to have a personal Profile in order to create, manage, or run ads on a Page.“ – Facebook Help

The starting point and problems!

Normally it should be easy to transfer a page to a new administration account. Right? RIGHT!

My customers page was on the new profile page layout, that was introduced a while back. So normally you should go to the Page -> Professional Dashboard -> Settings -> Site Access. This would than allow you to assign a new page admin.

This just straight fails for me! I can easily choose a new person , select person and allow full access, confirm with password and than nothing happens. When checking the console, i see a couple of random errors …

Tried with different accounts, different browsers, different OS. Always the same …

The solution

After trying everything and almost giving up. I though, well you can still switch back to the old page layout, maybe that works!

And that is what finally worked for me. I was able to assign my customer as a new admin, within Settings -> Site Roles and than switch back to the new page layout!

Again … Facebook sucks! Who is testdriving updates and checking for incoming errors … seems that noone cares. Just leave it to the user, to solve their own problems. Not a single resource, that actually helps. I am sure that there are many, that already lost their pages! Just unbelievable !!!

Happy coding!

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