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Doing Metaboxes in WordPress the easy way

19. April 2015

Doing Metaboxes in WordPress the easy way

Adding Metaboxes in WordPress to your admin areas normally involves 3 steps:

  1. Action to define the metabox area
  2. Callback to define the metabox content
  3. Action to handle the metabox updates / saves

This can be done much easier using Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress, which is a metabox, custom fields and forms library. The library provides a bunch of custom fields and also allows you to add your own easily. Much easier to build new Metaboxes fast!

List of field types included:

  1. title An arbitrary title field *
  2. text
  3. text_small
  4. text_medium
  5. text_email
  6. text_url
  7. text_money
  8. textarea
  9. textarea_small
  10. textarea_code
  11. text_date Date Picker
  12. text_time Time picker
  13. select_timezone Time zone dropdown
  14. text_date_timestamp Date Picker (UNIX timestamp)
  15. text_datetime_timestamp Text Date/Time Picker Combo (UNIX timestamp)
  16. text_datetime_timestamp_timezone Text Date/Time Picker/Time zone Combo (serialized DateTime object)
  17. colorpicker Color picker
  18. radio *
  19. radio_inline *
  20. taxonomy_radio *
  21. taxonomy_radio_inline *
  22. select
  23. taxonomy_select *
  24. checkbox *
  25. multicheck
  26. taxonomy_multicheck *
  27. taxonomy_multicheck_inline
  28. wysiwyg (TinyMCE) *
  29. file Image/File upload *†
  30. file_list Image/File list upload
  31. oembed Converts oembed urls (instagram, twitter, youtube, etc. oEmbed in the Codex)
  32. group Hybrid field that supports adding other fields as a repeatable group. *

Simple example from the CMB2 Github page


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