Just fiished the latest updates and will upload the new version on Monday evening.
- Cleanup: Split examples into separate files
- Cleanup: Example js & css
- Fixed: Events not firing in some configuration (thanks ukaccord for pointing it out)
- New: jQuery 1.62+ is required, this might move up in upcoming versions.
- New: showTimeout, allows to hide the accordion during resizing and loading
- New: onShowFunctionName, will fire once the accordion has been loaded or resized
- Fixed: openOnLoad, was misbehaving, has been moved and works fine now
- Fixed: Loading by hash has been moved and fixed
- New: loopStatus Method (start / end ( current element)
- New: instanceStatus Method, holding current relevant data (elementCount, containerWidth, finalWidth, …)
- Update: Resizing updated again and checked in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE …
- New: Version check for the example page, will let you know when a new vrsion is available
These are the highlights. I still have some minor updates on the list, that might make it into the release as well.
More on Monday.