Once you have done the export / import multiple times, it gets really easy :)
Here are some things that made things alot easier for me
- Update magento/app/etc/local.xml with your changed database details
- Update the secure / unsecure urls to match your new domain / setup
These settings are saved in the magento_core_config_data table.
The two settings you need to alter are
– web/unsecure/base_url
– web/secure/base_url - Sometimes the foreign key constraints break tables on import. The most common are :
– magento_customer_group
– magento_core_website
– magento_core_store
– magento_core_store_groupJust check your old setup and update those tables by hand.
You can run queries by activating and deactivating the foreign key check like this:
(0, ‘admin’, ‘Admin’, 0, 0, 0),
(1, ‘base’, ‘Main Website’, 0, 1, 1);SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;
- Make sure to delete the following folders before you try to access the install again
– var/cache
– var/sessions