Some might have wordered, if I am still around. I am, but workload has been crazy for the past 2 months. I had only little time to work my way through some freetime development.

I have spend most of my freetime to push portalZINE.TV and prepare new segments for season 3, which will start end of September.

I will be taking a break for about 2 weeks from the Internets and be back to business end of September.

The Horizontal Accordion plugin for jQuery will get another rewrite start of Oktober. Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. I have also seen some nice workarounds for shortcomings of the plugin. My plan is to start fresh in parts and add some much needed functioanlity to it.

I also have a new plugin in preparation, called Image Matrix, which I have been using for some months now and will make available.

Also preparing a new tutorial for stretching background images using jQuery, CSS, PHP and GD.

More about all this when I am back.

Enjoy what is left of the summer, I will sure do :) Really really need some vacation.
