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Defer Parsing of JavaScript in WordPress – new filter & old hack

15. April 2015

Defer Parsing of JavaScript in WordPress – new filter & old hack

When the defer attribute is present in the script tag, it specifies that the script is executed when the page has finished parsing. A requirement that is enforced by Google for example (Page-Speed ranking).

Currently the WordPress wp_enqueue_script provides no easy way to add new attributes, but there is a way around that :)
The below hack / filter needs to be added to your theme function.php. The filter should be your preferred solution, as the clean_url filter has been deprecated.

Make sure that your website / theme is still loading after adding these changes. If needed you can add more exceptions, as I did for jQuery.

Hack for WordPress before 4.1

 Filter for WordPress 4.1+ 
Updated: 26.04.2015 – using clean Regexp

 Browser Support

  1. All modern browsers
  2. Support in IE9 is flaky, as the execution order isn’t guaranteed.
  3. Can I use

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