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cubicFUSION Grid Tweaker – Elementor Grid made easy.

23. November 2023

cubicFUSION Grid Tweaker – Elementor Grid made easy.

Elementor Pro provides grid containers as an experimental feature. The options provided are limited, when it comes to native controls. The fine-tuning of the grid container items need to be done using Advanced CSS.

If you are looking for a simpler way without using Advanced CSS, I started building out a Grid Tweaker for Elementor.

portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | grid tweaker 1
portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | grid tweaker 2

This will add a new tab to all containers and allows you to tweak grid-row / grid-column. Basic work is done. I am currently tweaking the controls a bit and will make it even easier ;)

Added an example template to import into Elementor. For those interested, the plugin can be freely downloaded from my Github repository. You can also do a search for „cubicfusion-grid-tweaker“ on Github.

Cheers and enjoy

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