Updated 25.03. : Some function names changed in the latest beta version.
ACF 5.8 Beta introduced an easy way to create your custom Gutenberg blocks. I am already using it heavily for a current project, to easily organize content and media assets.
Really powerful, when combined with Timber as well, which has been the foundation of many of my themes for years now ;)
Organizing data using ACF is nice, but sometimes you seek access to that saved block data directly. I hate it when I am confined to boundaries and the data flow is restricted or hidden. I need things to be accessible to choose the creative flow myself.
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// Parse blocks from post content $blocks = parse_blocks($your_post_content); $collect = array(); // Loop through the blocks foreach($blocks as $block){ //Setup global block post data context // before: acf_setup_postdata acf_setup_meta( $block['attrs']['data'], $block['attrs']['id'], true ); // Get ACF fields $fields = get_fields(); // I am using this to organize my assets. // Each block of mine has a unique identifier as its first field: // $uid = $block['attrs']['data'][array_keys($block['attrs']['data'])[0]] // I would do: // $collect[$uid] = $fields; // Collection of fields using the block id. $collect[$block['attrs']['id']] = $fields; // Restore global context // before: acf_reset_postdata acf_reset_meta( $block['attrs']['id'] ); } |
There you go, enjoy some free block data :)
I was a big skeptic, when it comes to WordPress and the new Gutenberg editor, but combined with ACF + Timber its pure magic :) Looking forward to things to come!
Extended example:
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$collect = []; $blocks = parse_blocks($your->post_content); foreach($blocks as $block){ if( isset($block['attrs']['data']) && !empty($block['attrs']['data'][array_keys($block['attrs']['data'])[0]])){ acf_setup_meta( $block['attrs']['data'], $block['attrs']['id'], true ); $fields = get_fields(); acf_reset_meta( $block['attrs']['id'] ); $collect[$block['attrs']['data'][array_keys($block['attrs']['data'])[0]]] = array('render' => render_block( $block ), 'field' => $fields, 'block' => $block ); }else{ $collect['main'] .= render_block( $block ); } } |
The $collect array will hold all data, including all ACF fields. You will have full access to any field, including repeater fields. The $collect[‚main‘] will just collect the standard post content.
Ich bin ein Full-Stack-Entwickler. Meine Expertise umfasst:
Ich liebe die Entwicklung, das Design und kenne mich auch mit Serverarchitekturen aus. Ich würde mich nie vollständig fühlen, wenn einer der Bereiche fehlen würde.
Ich habe ein breites Interessengebiet, deshalb tauche ich ständig in neue Technologien ein und erweitere mein Wissen, wo immer es nötig ist. Die Technologien entwickeln sich schnell und ich genieße es, die neuesten Technologien zu nutzen.
Abgesehen davon bin ich ein friedliebender Kerl, der versucht, Leute um sich herum zu haben, die dasselbe denken. Ich glaube wirklich an das Prinzip: "Wenn man jemandem hilft, wird einem jemand helfen, wenn man es braucht."