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Advanced Custom Fields – Free Your Gutenberg Blocks Data

10. Februar 2019

Advanced Custom Fields – Free Your Gutenberg Blocks Data

Updated 25.03. : Some function names changed in the latest beta version.


ACF 5.8 Beta introduced an easy way to create your custom Gutenberg blocks. I am already using it heavily for a current project, to easily organize content and media assets.

Really powerful, when combined with Timber as well, which has been the foundation of many of my themes for years now ;)


Organizing data using ACF is nice, but sometimes you seek access to that saved block data directly. I hate it when I am confined to boundaries and the data flow is restricted or hidden. I need things to be accessible to choose the creative flow myself.


There you go, enjoy some free block data :)

I was a big skeptic, when it comes to WordPress and the new Gutenberg editor, but combined with ACF + Timber its pure magic :) Looking forward to things to come!


Enjoy coding …

Extended example:


The $collect array will hold all data, including all ACF fields. You will have full access to any field, including repeater fields. The $collect[‚main‘] will just collect the standard post content.

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Vincent Morel
Vincent Morel
5 Jahre zuvor

Just missing something here. Where do you find the block ID?

Vincent Morel
Vincent Morel
5 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Alex

Thanks! I understand. Seems last update broke „acf_setup_postdata“… We’ll need to find another way…

Vincent Morel
Vincent Morel
5 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Alex

Yes thanks! I juts find out! :)

Gabor Lippert
Gabor Lippert
5 Jahre zuvor

You saved me from going crazy with this article. Thank you!!!

Carlos Eduardo
Carlos Eduardo
5 Jahre zuvor

Great article Alex, helped me a lot!

I need to update a custom field inside a specific block. Do you know how update a field value inside that ‚acf_setup_meta‘??

I tried using the ‚update_field‘ function, but it saves the field on the post itself, not the block :(

4 Jahre zuvor

Hi Alex

Thanks for taking a stab at this. Don’t know why this have to be this difficult.

I’m trying to grab a field within a repeater from another block, but still on the same page.

I’m simply trying to output the titles of each field in a repeater from a different block.

How do I do that?

Thanks SO much for any assistance you can throw my way.

4 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Alex

Wow, that would be amazing. Thanks Alex

4 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Alex

Hey Alex

Don’t mean to be pushy, but did you happen to figure out something? No worries if not.

4 Jahre zuvor
Reply to  Alex

That’s very nice of you, thanks a lot.
Help a noob out, how do I make use of it?
Do I var_dump($collect) to output the array? If so, that just does array(0) { }

3 Jahre zuvor

I understand how the basis of this works. I changed the parse_blocks to have my post info in it. BUT it is throwing an error on page:

Warning: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given

Any help would be appreciated.

Jules D
Jules D
2 Jahre zuvor

We have created a custom ACF block with title and description.
How do I display the info on another page like home when needed as a featured content.

Where to add the above code to functions.php file or as a plugin?

When we call the acf field, How do i call the field using this code.

Sorry as this topic sound bit advanced to me but i needed to achieve the output.


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