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  1. Using WGET
  2. Using CURL

1. September 2014

cubicFUSION goes live :)

cubicFUSION is a collection of past & present internal projects. Some of these are in early stages, are archived ideas or have not been completed yet.

I am currently doing a big cleanup of my toolset and will share some of the stuff that I have build over the years.

Some of these might be useful, inspiration or just an archive of broken ideas ;)


1. September 2014

Git Auto Deployment with PHP

Doing Git / Bitbucket Deployment for most of my project these days. This is another compact solution, that should allow almost anyone to start using Git to distribute updates automatically.

Always nice to be able to go a step back fast ;)

Git Auto Deployment

His website is offline, but you can still reach it through the Web Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20131209120053/http://wpcopilot.net/git-auto-deployment/


BroadwayAPI is a PHP class to extract / export channel playlists and EPG from the PCTV Broadway. These can be reused with OpenELEC, XBMC, Kodi  and the IPTV Simple PVR Client Addon.

I am using the setup on a local server to handle playlists and epg updates for multiple XBMC setups.


This is a project in progress. More details soon…



Over the past months I have been building a virtual competition, for one of my clients, for the tournament 2014 in Brazil.

  1. Full integration and signup to the game through Facebook
  2. Multi-language setup
  3. Choose your own team of players from the 32 competing countries, with countries only represented once in your team.
  4. Update your team until the start of the tournament
  5. During the tournament your team scores according to real data coming in from a sport result data provider. Team scores are calculated by a fixed rule set.
  6. You have 3 substitutes that you can deploy during the tournament to optimize your team or replace players that have been eliminated
  7. You play for a specific country or you can join or create a group to compete against each other with friends.
  8. Team ranking is provided on country and group level.
  9. Social sharing, invites and posting to Facebook

The project had its challenges and I plan to dive into some of those areas in the future, as soon as the tournament is over ;)




“Everyone loves the Google CDN right? Even Microsoft runs their own CDN. The problem is, they only host the most popular libraries. We host it all – JavaScript, CSS, SWF, images, etc!”




Still looking for a nice way to integrate this Terminal plugin it into some of my current websites :)


23. May 2014

Kint – PHP debugger


Debugging can be such a pain sometimes. Kint has saved my bacon more than once ;)



The Contact Form 7 for WordPress is a nice simple plugin to build contact forms fast. But when it comes to making it completely multilingual it lacks a bit.

I am currently creating a website with 13 different languages, that would mean to create the same contact form 13 times, not really practical :)

I am translating the form labels on the fly with some javascript magic, but for the messages I had to go a bit deeper.

  1. Open wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/classes.php
  2. Go to line 800 function message
  3. Change this

    to this

    See how I wrapped the gettext function for the return, that does all the magic.
  4. Next we have to make sure that the messages are being found by localization helpers like Codestyling Localization
  5. In your theme functions.php add a translation for each of the Contact 7 Form messages
  6. The first message in the Contact 7 Form admin says: Your message was sent successfully. Thanks.

  7. Do not change these messages in the Contact 7 Form admin anymore or the setup will break. These updates will have to be repeated with each plugin update, unless the author does something similar.
  8. Happy translating.



WPML for WordPress is a powerful plugin to build a multi-language setup. But it still comes short in some areas, especially when it comes to a custom integration into plugins or when using custom post-types.

Normally this function should return the id of the linked translated content, but has not worked for me in some cases (especially when AJAX is involved).

A simple SELECT helps to get that id yourself :)
