“Element queries are a new way of thinking about responsive web design where the responsive conditions apply to elements on the page instead of the width or height of the browser.
Unlike CSS @media queries, @element Queries are aware of more than just the width and height of the browser, you can write responsive conditions for a number of different situations like how many characters of text or child elements an element contains.
Another concept that element queries brings to CSS is the idea of ‘scoping’ your styles to one element in the same way that JavaScript functions define a new scope for the variables they contain.”
min-width in px, min-width in %max-width
max-width in px, max-width in %min-height
min-height in px, min-height in %max-height
max-height in px, max-height in %min-characters
on block elements, on form inputsmax-characters
on block elements, on form inputsmin-lines
min-lines demomax-lines
max-lines demomin-children
min-children demomax-children
max-children demomin-scroll-y
min-scroll-y demomax-scroll-y
max-scroll-y demomin-scroll-x
min-scroll-x demomax-scroll-x
max-scroll-x demoorientation
orientation demomin-aspect-ratio
min-aspect-ratio demomax-aspect-ratio
max-aspect-ratio demo$this
$this demo$parent
$parent demo$root
$root demo$prev
$prev demo$next
$next demo“The picture element, srcset and sizes attributes, and associated features allow web developers to deliver an appropriate image to every user depending on a variety of conditions like screen size, viewport size, screen resolution, and more. Picturefill enables support for the picture element and associated features in browsers that do not yet support them, so you can start using them today!”
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<img srcset="examples/images/large.jpg 1x, examples/images/extralarge.jpg 2x" alt="…"> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
<img sizes="(min-width: 40em) 80vw, 100vw" srcset="examples/images/medium.jpg 375w, examples/images/large.jpg 480w, examples/images/extralarge.jpg 768w" alt="…"> |