  • English
  • German



Moin! Im Juni hatte ich den Umbau von portalZINE TV angekündigt und kündige jetzt den Umzug des Podcasts – 5 auf einen Streich – an.

5 auf einen Streich findet man jetzt hier.

Durch die Themen werde ich weiterhin rotieren, aber den Fokus stärker auf Entwicklung & Design setzen.

Mal sehen, wie sich das so entwickelt :) Die erste Folge für 2021 folgt bald …


Damit ist portalZINE TV jetzt ein reines Archiv.



portalZINE TV was my / our youtube review channel till 2014 ( purely in German). We also shared our magazine via a live satellite broadcast every month. I continued doing a short podcast series (5 auf einen Streich) until 2019 and it has been waiting for something new since then.

I kept it in a waiting position, not really knowing what to do next. A complete revival is out of the question and not really enough fun to make it happen.

What I need is a fresh start with a mix of editorials, reviews, audio (possible restart of the podcast ) and maybe some video down the road.

While doing a complete cleanup of my attic, I really reignited some retro passion.

My old 5.1 hifi setup is back up, with a record and cassette player attached. Also dug up an old Sony Walkman, which I fixed and will be doing some more work on.

So the new setup of topics, will be centering around those things and things I have talked about on portalZINE TV in the past. I have no clear roadmap ahead, I just know that I am not ready yet to let portalZINE TV die ;)

The first step will be a complete cleanup and fresh design concept. After that, I will deal with my first editorial and see what else I need.

Time to roll up those sleeves and make some magic happen ;) But no pressure, this is a pure passion project. Free time is a rare commodity these days, so this needs to be fun all the way :)

Oh and the new setup will most likely be purely English, at least for the written content!

See you there … or not!

15. May 2019

ZombieLoad Attack

“After Meltdown, Spectre, and Foreshadow, we discovered more critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. The ZombieLoad attack allows stealing sensitive data and keys while the computer accesses them. While programs normally only see their own data, a malicious program can exploit the fill buffers to get hold of secrets currently processed by other running programs. These secrets can be user-level secrets, such as browser history, website content, user keys, and passwords, or system-level secrets, such as disk encryption keys.” – zombieloadattack.com

There seems to be a new security related story every day. Read about the latest CPU related issues at CPU.fail.

9. February 2017

Chrome 56 .. whats new?

With Chrome 56, web apps can now communicate with nearby Bluetooth Low Energy devices using the Web Bluetooth API, position sticky is back – making it easy to create elements that scroll normally until sticking to the top of the viewport. And HTML5 by Default is enabled for all users.

Chrome 56 on iOS also adds the ability to scan QR codes directly within Chrome. So many thought QR-Codes were dead, well not so much !



Lakka is a lightweight Linux distribution that transforms a small computer into a full blown game console.
Built on top of the famous RetroArch emulator.




Kap is an open-source screen recorder for MacOS X built with web technology.



“The DxO ONE plugs directly into your iPhone with a simple click. Once it is connected, the iPhone’s Retina display immediately transforms into the camera’s viewfinder, allowing you to compose the image and adjust every setting.”

Really love the concept, even though I am an Android phone user through and through :)

DxO One


Epichrome is made up of two parts: an AppleScript-based Mac application (Epichrome.app) and a companion Chrome extension (Epichrome Helper). Epichrome.app creates Chrome-based site-specific browsers (SSBs) for Mac OSX (Chrome must be installed in order to run them, but they are full Mac apps, each with its own separate Chrome profile).”



Markdown Here is an extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird that allows you to write email in Markdown.

“With it, you can write email in Markdown, and then click a button (or context menu item, or use a hotkey) to render the email into good-looking, fully formatted text (HTML, technically).”

Markdown Here


Vivaldi is a new web-browser with Chromium at its core and a complete new interface based on current web-technologies.

“Vivaldi is a freeware web browser developed by Vivaldi Technologies, a company founded by Opera Software co-founder and former CEO Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner and Tatsuki Tomita.”

