  • English
  • German



Moin! Im Juni hatte ich den Umbau von portalZINE TV angekündigt und kündige jetzt den Umzug des Podcasts – 5 auf einen Streich – an.

5 auf einen Streich findet man jetzt hier.

Durch die Themen werde ich weiterhin rotieren, aber den Fokus stärker auf Entwicklung & Design setzen.

Mal sehen, wie sich das so entwickelt :) Die erste Folge für 2021 folgt bald …


Damit ist portalZINE TV jetzt ein reines Archiv.



portalZINE TV was my / our youtube review channel till 2014 ( purely in German). We also shared our magazine via a live satellite broadcast every month. I continued doing a short podcast series (5 auf einen Streich) until 2019 and it has been waiting for something new since then.

I kept it in a waiting position, not really knowing what to do next. A complete revival is out of the question and not really enough fun to make it happen.

What I need is a fresh start with a mix of editorials, reviews, audio (possible restart of the podcast ) and maybe some video down the road.

While doing a complete cleanup of my attic, I really reignited some retro passion.

My old 5.1 hifi setup is back up, with a record and cassette player attached. Also dug up an old Sony Walkman, which I fixed and will be doing some more work on.

So the new setup of topics, will be centering around those things and things I have talked about on portalZINE TV in the past. I have no clear roadmap ahead, I just know that I am not ready yet to let portalZINE TV die ;)

The first step will be a complete cleanup and fresh design concept. After that, I will deal with my first editorial and see what else I need.

Time to roll up those sleeves and make some magic happen ;) But no pressure, this is a pure passion project. Free time is a rare commodity these days, so this needs to be fun all the way :)

Oh and the new setup will most likely be purely English, at least for the written content!

See you there … or not!

15. May 2019

ZombieLoad Attack

“After Meltdown, Spectre, and Foreshadow, we discovered more critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. The ZombieLoad attack allows stealing sensitive data and keys while the computer accesses them. While programs normally only see their own data, a malicious program can exploit the fill buffers to get hold of secrets currently processed by other running programs. These secrets can be user-level secrets, such as browser history, website content, user keys, and passwords, or system-level secrets, such as disk encryption keys.” – zombieloadattack.com

There seems to be a new security related story every day. Read about the latest CPU related issues at CPU.fail.


Really liking this, as it detaches the wireless connection from the lamp, that might fail at some point.

Light bulbs up to 40W are supported and will even be certified for outdoor usage.

emberlight provides Bluetooth, Wifi connectivity and a proximity sensor, all integrating into IFTTT and accessible through a REST Api.



Structure opened its doors a couple of days ago.

Structure offers a simple and powerful IoT cloud platform for developing the next generation of connected experiences. They offer device management with robust data visualization that reacts in real-time.

They have a nice drag & drop workflow interface that allows you to forward data coming in, combine data or just store it.

I will be testing a builder kit with the platform, that includes the Adafruit Feather Huzzah, which offers native Wifi connectivity. My Raspberry Pi’s will also find their way into the system. The platform allows to consume REST Apis as well,  that will make it even more fun to build something unique.

If you are interested in IoT, you should really check it out. Its free :)

Structure / Adafruit Feather Huzzah

Enjoy coding …


Its almost time for the hardware spring cleanup again. Desktops, NAS, External harddrives, printers …


“Home automation with Raspberry PI and Arduino using Node.js, MongoDB, HTML5 and Websockets”

  • Full access to the GPIO of the Raspberry Pi
  • Communication with an attached Arduino
  • Wake-on-LAN (not really hardware, but at least it wakes up hardware)
  • Stream your webcam via socket.io
  • Node.js, Socket.io, Expressjs, Requirejs
  • HTML5, CSS3 and Websockets
  • Jade templating
  • Responsive design



Cylon.js is a JavaScript framework for robotics, physical computing, and the Internet of Things. It makes it incredibly easy to command robots and devices.

  • ARDrone
  • Arduino
  • Arduino YUN
  • Audio
  • Beaglebone Black
  • Bebop
  • BLE
  • Crazyflie
  • Digispark
  • Imp
  • Intel Galileo
  • Intel Edison
  • Intel IoT Analytics
  • Joystick
  • Keyboard
  • Leap Motion
  • M2X
  • MiP
  • MQTT
  • Nest
  • Neurosky
  • OpenCV
  • Particle
  • Pebble
  • Philips Hue
  • Pinoccio
  • PowerUp
  • Rapiro
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Salesforce
  • Skynet
  • Speech
  • Sphero
  • Sphero BLE
  • Tessel
  • WICED Sense

Cylon.js @ GitHub


Nanoleaf is a green technology company that is currently specializing in LED lighting, reimagining how light and bulbs fit into our lifes.

The Nanoleaf Bloom is a dimmable bulb that doesn’t require a dimmer and can dim down using a regular on/off light switch.

The Nanoleaf Gem is an LED decor bulb made of shatter-resistant glass.



“Faraday Motion is accelerating open innovation within Personal Electric Vehicles.
We want to make Urban Transportation Intelligent, Personalized and simply Awesome.

For this to happen, we provide Hardware toolkits/components, Software API and host Workshops.”

They currently built two electric skateboards called the Spine and its successor the Hyperboard.

All source files are open source and provided online hardware and electronics.

Looking forward to build my own in the future :)

Faraday Motion
