Code My UI provides handpicked code snippets, you can use in your own web projects. You can find website design inspiration, plus some code samples.
GoldenLayout is a web based docker layout engine that aids in creating flexible user interfaces by enabling panels to be docked on the screen.
“gridstack.js is a jQuery plugin for widget layouts. It allows you to build draggable responsive bootstrap v3 friendly layouts. ”
Angular reaches BETA status. Time to start playing with it … Perfect for the holidays :)
With NativeScript und React Native you will be able to build native Android- und iOS-Apps as well.
Some time ago I said: “My perfect framework, is a set of solid singular solutions that have proven themselves over the years. Working solo or together in harmony”.
Here is a list of some of my core components, that I use in combination or standalone.
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define('jquery', [], function() { return jQuery; }); |
NOW you can live happily ever after :)
This is basically the core stack that I use to build out ideas :) While Angular is always an option, the above satisfies most of all needs and is often far slimmer. The rest depends on how you organize your code yourself, but at least you are not forced into fixed structures ;)
Using WordPress as a headless system, is nothing new. You can easily build out your own REST API or use the long available HTTP REST API 1.0+ for WordPress.
But with the new HTTP REST API 2.0+ its getting really easy to build out your own REST API Namespace and assign routes for all your JSON needs.
The new REST API will make its appearance in WordPress 4.4, but you can start now by adding the plugin to your system. When the plugin detects 4.4+ it will only load functionality not already present in the core.
A route tells the API to respond to a given request with a specific function (endpoint). This adds the permalink structure to WordPress so that your functionality can be accessed via an url like this:
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add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () { register_rest_route( 'your_namespace/v1', '/your_endpoint/(?P<your_parameter>\d+)', array( 'methods' => 'GET', 'callback' => 'your_endpoint', ) ); } ); |
The Endpoint is the callback handled by the route. Each endpoint can have additional parameters attached:
The return values from the endpoint are converted into JSON. You can use the WP_REST_Response object , this wraps normal body data and allows you to return a custom status code.
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function your_endpoint( $data ) { $posts = get_posts( array( 'author' => $data['your_parameter'], ) ); if ( empty( $posts ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'your_endpoint_no_data', 'No Data', array( 'status' => 404 ) ); } return new WP_REST_Response( $posts, 200 ); } |
Really powerful stuff, that makes it easy to detach WordPress and the actual client using the data provided by it.
You can read more about it here.
How do I choose the right JavaScript framework for my next single-page application project?
A question I have asked myself over and over again.
There are countless options these days, that claim to be the ultimate solution to all our developments needs.
I have build applications with
I have looked at
And I seem to be evaluating new options every week :)
The only answer I can give you is that :
In the end its a matter of personal taste and project requirements. We only have limited resources to finish a project and find solutions to unsolved problems in a timely fashion (yes this always happens). Go out and play :) Also take a look at TodoMVC, which might help you to decide. No guarantees !
Over the past few month I have evaluated all the things that I used in the past. I started stripping it all down to a bare set of essentials, that have been following me for a long time. There are solutions that just fit and require no replacement.
So my answer for the perfect framework, is a set of solid singular solutions that have proven themselves over the years. Working solo or together in harmony.
Like a painter I want to choose my own brushes and color mixture. Programming is an art that needs freedom. A freedom that can often be limited by a too strictly defined framework. Structure is important, but it should never dictate the options you have to fulfill your project goals and limit you.
I will be covering some of those tools here in coming articles.
I will talk about: