I am currently preparing a release of the cubicFUSION Horizontal Accordion for WordPress.
This will allow any WordPress user to easily integrate and modify the Horizontal Accordion for their WordPress setup.
More details soon :)
jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.70 Preview has been uploaded. I have not updated the documentation yet. This version adds the ability to easily extend the plugin with new methods. A detailed howto is following once the final version goes live.
– complete cleanup
– easy to extend using modular methods, even core methods can be easily exchanged
– easy way to execute new methods on init, eventstart, eventcomplete and eventend
– easy way to extend settings
– after release resizing and looping will be moved to modules
– jQuery 1.7+ required
– tested and working on JQuery 1.9 / 2.0b1
– size reduced
– examples updated
– many other minor fixes with the help of some of you :)
The download ist available in your customer area. Enjoy the first preview !
Doing some more changes before I release the preview of the Horizontal Accordion 2.7.
Just a view days ;)
I will be releasing jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.70 Preview to customers this week. I will keep it as a preview, until I have updated the documentation , examples and some other minor things.
jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.7 is almost ready
– complete cleanup
– easy to extend using modular methods, even core methods can be easily exchanged
– easy way to execute new methods on init, eventstart, eventcomplete and eventend
– easy way to extend settings
– after release resizing and looping will be moved to modules
– jQuery 1.7+ required
– tested and working on JQuery 1.9 / 2.0b1
– size reduced
– examples updated
– many other minor fixes with the help of some of you :)
The jQuery Horizontal Accordion has been downloaded 280.000 times over the past 2 years.
The freely available plugin was a simple concept, far from perfect and not really solid across all browsers. So not really fit for live projects.
Over the years I asked for donations to support development, which never really worked.
I asked people, that use it in their commecial projects, to donate a little for development, but that never really worked either.
I have helped countless people to tweak it and even helped to rewrite parts of it.
It was never about making a fortune LOL, but about a liitle bit of respect and thank you from those that could afford it.
Since the start of this year the old plugin is no more and I am completely dedicating my time for the commercial version.
Which is a complete rewrite, has solid browser support and is moving forward with all the changes happening within the core of the jQuery library.
I think that should clear it up , for those regularly asking :)
jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.70 should be going live in the next 2 weeks. Decided to make the jump earlier.
– loading by location hash updated (#tab1, #tab2 …)
– openOnLoad updated to check for hash loading
– Hidden loading disabled by default (showTimeout: false)
More cleaning up on the way :)
jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.61 will require jQuery 1.7+, as I am moving bindings to "on(event)" and doing a complete cleanup.
This is part of the move towards 2.7
Just released the Horizontal Accordion 2.60.06
– Should fix flickering of sliced backgroundhandles on Firefox
– Further cleanup of the current codebase
2.70 Alpha is shaping up ;)