  • Englisch
  • Deutsch


TYPEMYKNIFE® – allows you to laser ingrave your knife using a unique 3D configurator.

I redesigned their 3D knife configurator and helped to optimise the overall integration. The core backend functionality of the configurator was not created by me, I only helped debug and tweak the old & new functionality.

  • Complete redesign of the old 3D knife configurator
  • Prototype / Preview using Adobe XD
  • New help system, showing the user how to design their knife quickly.
  • Multi-language integration
  • Server tweaks for better sharing capabilities
  • Shop integration changes
  • Debugging for desktop / tablet & mobile integration
  • Performance boost & tweaks
  • Streamlined website integration

TYPEMYKNIFE / 3D KNIFE CONFIGURATOR / Example with knife loaded / Search for a knife

28. März 2021


Viktualia liefert an Abholstationen im Raum Heidelberg.
Viktualia bündelt für dich das Angebot kleiner und kleinster Höfe aus der Region. Das Ergebnis: Die ganze Vielfalt dessen, was ausgewählte Erzeuger zu bieten haben. Einfach im Onlineshop Brot, Eier, Fleisch, Käse, Joghurt, Gemüse und vieles mehr bestellen und die Einkäufe entspannt auf dem Heimweg an einer Abholstation mitnehmen.“

Viktualia delivers to pick-up stations in the Heidelberg area.
Viktualia bundles the range of small and very small farms from the region for you. The result: the full diversity of what selected producers have to offer. Simply order bread, eggs, meat, cheese, yoghurt, vegetables and much more in the online shop and take your shopping with you to a pick-up station on the way home. „

01.11.2020: This project has been with me for the past months. We just finished our beta testdrive with a close testing group a few weeks ago. The shop will be completely open on the 25.11., with the first delivery going out on the 2.12. It was pleasure working on this project and I am looking forward to its lift-off.

25.11.2020: Viktualia is open for business! (Viktualia ist am Start!)

28.3.2021: Now also delivers directly to your doorstep, if your address is within the delivery area. A perfect fit for those that can not go out and still want access to fresh products. We also added a quick category menu within the shop, to access certain areas more easily.

This was a combined effort with GREENTONIC, Heike Frank.

Viktualia Hofeinkauf / Pelin Yildiz


Lernkarten.de – Offers specialized learning tools for the German certified master of trade/commerce exam (Handelsfachwirt Prüfung IHK). This includes printed learning materials and an App for Android / iOS. The website also provides updated information about changes in the curriculum and new requirements.

  • Maintenance
  • SEO – OnePage Optimization
  • SEA – Search Engine Advertising (Adwords)
  • Google & Facebook Advertising
  • Template tweaks and enhancements
  • Speed optimization
  • Hosting

Lernkarten Verlag


vibronet® is a passion project of mine, as the company belongs to my family. My sister, Sylvia, runs the company together with my parents.

The core website had not been updated for the past 8 years. It was really time for a complete rewrite and redesign :)

Ii does not only feel like a quantum jump, it actually was one technology-wise ;)

The website offers complete access to the current product portfolio in 3 languages (English, French, German).

All has been done in-house, with a complete cleanup of all product details.

We have some nice additional updates planned for the future!

vibronet® stands for innovative high quality products for food and feed made in Germany.

With its patented vibration damping system and complementary online control systems, vibronet® has been a pioneer in the field of research and advanced technologies for dramatically reduced temper times and simplified production processes since 1992.

Based in the heart Germany, the vibronet® name stands for competence and product diversity made for millers and cereal processors all around the world.“

Sylvia-C. Gräf CEO

vibronet®-Gräf GmbH & Co. KG // French // German


The most important aspect of a modern website, beside its unique design, is size & speed, as most of the traffic is consumed by mobile visitors. GREENTONIC and I help customers to build modern websites, that are slim, fast, sustainable, while still integrating all that the modern web has to offer.

GREENTONIC’s key concept is sustainability, which encompasses consulting, concept, design and implementation. I have a close relationship with the agency and have done a couple of projects with and for them.

GO GREEN – Fakten und Wissen zu energieeffizienten Websites


Ads, posters and stationary designs since 2002.


More Than Live is an ad agency, with which we have been working closely for the past few years.


  1. Maintenance
  2. Project fixes
  3. Custom projects
  4. WordPress Plugins
  5. WordPress Themes


Careon levensloop, Wereldstad ann zee, GustoMSC, BodyMentors, StepUp2 – Video Dancing, Vitality Village,AGF Promotie Nederland …


Startup to handle predictions between friends, family or colleagues.


  1. Custom backend
  2. Custom design
  3. Facebook signup
  4. Twitter signup
  5. Google+ login
  6. Guided setup of predictions
  7. Groups & friend-lists
  8. Email / Facebook / Twitter Notifications
  9. Responsive
  10. Legacy browser support

11. Januar 2008

portalZINE TV

Internet TV station 2008 – 2015 (News Archive). Full SmartTV / HBBTV integration for almost every major platform.
2010 – 2013 broadcast over satellite, via TecTime TV. HBBTV / HTML5 on TV Portfolio

  1. WordPress
  2. Custom Theme
  3. Custom Plugin
  4. Vimeo integration
  5. Podcast integration / Audio
  6. Episode information / notes
  7. HBBTV integration / jQuery / HTML5


Script Connector® was a startup I founded with a good friend in Mexico City. Here the closing comment about it.

Script Connector® WebOS – In simple terms, Script Connector® is the equivalent to your computer operating system only for the Web, that’s why we call it Script Connector® WebOS.

Like any Operating System it handles all low level and back end interactions transparently without you needing to worry about the details of how to retrieve pages, render pages, create or manage sessions, users, groups, permissions, languages, data base access, input handling, plugins, hooks, wizards, databoxes, security, statistical services, web services, email services, protocol handling like FTP, WDDX, LDAP, WebDav, and more.

It is also a connecting platform that turns these formerly called data islands, into continents of collaboration where data flows freely, efficiently, and productively.“

Script Connector® Fenix – PHP Content Management System / Framework“

Script Connector® CastleKart – is an online shop e-commerce solution. It allows you to set up, run, and maintain an online store with minimal effort and no real overhead costs or license fees. It combines open source software to provide a free and open e-commerce platform, which includes PHP, Apache, and MySQL.  „
