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„Klaro [klɛro] is a simple consent management platform (CMP) and privacy tool that helps you to be transparent about the third-party applications on your website. It is designed to be extremely simple, intuitive and easy to use while allowing you to be compliant with all relevant regulations (notably GDPR and ePrivacy).“

The tool is developed by KIPROTECT and can be found on Github.

Black & White

As I integrated Klaro on a couple of websites so far, I decided to make my work a bit easier and start building some basic clean themes for it.

I have a basic white and black&white theme so far. The download includes a testdrive folder, to showcase the themes. The white theme is also used on this website ;)

I really hate those standard consent management modals, that integrate badly into the website native design.

Klaro does a good job allowing to override its core theme and makes it a bit more pleasant. We do have to live with those modals from now on ;)

The themes are Sass-based and provide easy configuration options.


cubicFUSION Themes for Klaro! @ Github

Klaro! Tweaks

Klaro is still missing some things, will collect some workarounds here for you to play with.

Missing events for consent modal open / closed …

Updates: Github Discussion
– 0.7.10 also adds custom callbacks to services (onAccept, onDecline, onInit) NICE!

Used a simple MutationObserver to do some magic for now, without diving into the core Klaro code for now. I am sure they already have an event listener or watcher setup.


A nice set of CSS3 Animations that can be easily used to spice up your design.

The animations can be triggered through Javascript, jQuery and the timings can be tweaked through pure CSS. The package also provides gulp, so that you can tweak every aspect easily.



  1. SPRITEOWL is a Photoshop extension that takes over the boring part of working with sprite images and CSS.
    Retrieves x, y, width and height info of all sprite elements
    Exports retina ready PNG files and required media queries of your Photoshop sprite file
    Supports preprocessors LESS, SASS/SCSS & Stylus
  2. CSSOWL is a mixin library that works with Spriteowl.
    LESS, SASS/SCSS & Stylus support
    Open source

Two tools that can enhance your workflow immensely. Enjoy!


Element queries are a new way of thinking about responsive web design where the responsive conditions apply to elements on the page instead of the width or height of the browser.
Unlike CSS @media queries, @element Queries are aware of more than just the width and height of the browser, you can write responsive conditions for a number of different situations like how many characters of text or child elements an element contains.
Another concept that element queries brings to CSS is the idea of ‘scoping’ your styles to one element in the same way that JavaScript functions define a new scope for the variables they contain.“

Element Query Conditions

Width-based Conditions

Height-based Conditions

Count-based Conditions

Scroll-based Conditions

Aspect-based Conditions


Element Queries


Koala is a GUI application for Less, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript compilation, to help web developers to use them more efficiently. Koala can run in windows, linux and mac.“

Koala / GitHub


I almost completely switched to Sass in the past year. So organzing my CSS code has become a mission of mine :)

Structure is especially needed, when you are not the only one working on the design. So that everyone on the team can easily understand and contribute with ease. There are never too many files, as files get combined anyway.

Make your own life easier and for those you work with!

Currently applying the following structure on newer projects:

  1. BASE holds files like resets, typography and foundation structures.
  2. COMPONENTS holds specific module definitions, like buttons, navigation etc.
  3. UTILS holds my own functions, mixins and configuration for the whole project.
  4. LAYOUT holds the main files defining the different layout areas / grid of the project.
  5. SECTIONS holds the definition of pages or sub sections defined.
  6. THEMES holds files for theme switches or front / backend layouts.
  7. VENDORS holds those files that are related to external includes.

Which architecture fits your project & team will vary.

Enjoy coding …

17. Dezember 2015

Sass Clearfix Mixin



Simple is king :)

Enjoy coding …


CSS Crush is a standards inspired CSS pre-processor that is written in PHP from scratch.


  1. Auto-prefixing
  2. Variables
  3. Direct @import
  4. Nesting
  5. Rule inheritance
  6. Abstract rules
  7. Functions
  8. Selector grouping
  9. Selector aliases
  10. Mixins
  11. Fragments

For a current project I am adding CSS Crush side by side to Sass. Lets see which of them sticks around in the end :)  Might be keeping them both, as CSS Crush provides some nice options.

CSS Crush @ Github

Enjoy coding …
