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13. März 2008

Weekly Update

I have not written one of these for some time now. Its not that I  am
not working, but hardly have time to sit down and comment about it.

has been really busy so far, with me also spending 4 days at CeBIT this
year. Really enjoyed the tech trip.  I have started working on a
fitness website, dealing with trainer schedules, trainee subscriptions,
training progress, motivation notification and a lot more. Really fun
project that will be following me until April.

restructured a lot of stuff within my php framework, to finally comply
with current standards and make updates a bit easier.

I am also
working on internal stuff that will ease the work on the portalZINE TV
setup, as advertisers require extensive statistics and I need to pull
those from at least 6 different video platforms ;) Sadly every platform
uses different web services.

Will try to write more regularly about stuff in the coming weeks :)


29. Februar 2008

Pownce API v2.0

Pownce has finally released its API 2.0. which allows posting to Pownce from your applications. I am currently updating my PHP API Wrapper and should have a downloadable release after I am back from CeBIT.



The Top10 of promoting your new website.

  1. Create Good Content
  2. Create Good Content
  3. Create Good Content
  4. Create Good Content
  5. Create Good Content
  6. Create Good Content
  7. Create Good Content
  8. Create Good Content
  9. Create Good Content
  10. Create Good Content

You think this is a bit generic, well it is, but it is the best way to promote your website ;). There are 1000 of websites out there, that tell you that they have the ultimate solution to drive traffic to your website and make you money. None of these are really helping you much, as it will always drill down to the TOP10 above :) So the goal is not to promote your website as it is, but the content that is delivered from it to your visitors.

How do visitors find you?
Not by guessing your domain name! I am sure they start by using a search engine like Google. They use the search engine to look for related websites that fit the keywords they have entered.

So is your content properly listed in search engines?
No! Well you have either no content on your website or your setup just does not confirm with proper search engine requirements. So if you have good content, but it is hard to index, users wont find you. Your main concern is to make sure that your content is presented in the correct way.

The title of this article should say :  TOP10 – How to promote your website or even better how to promote your content! :)

Here is my TOP10 of relevant points, when taking care of your search engine presence:

  1. Use creative and informative website titles.
    Write a descriptive title for each of your content pages. Make sure to reflect your website main keywords and related content keywords. Do not overdo it, use between 5-8 words maximum. Remove as many „filler“ words from the title as possible, such as „the,“ „and,“ etc. The page title will appear hyperlinked on the search engines when your page is indexed.
  2. Setup a meta description for your pages.
    The meta description describes the document.This meta tag consists of a short, plain language description of the document, usually 20-25 words or less. Search engines that support this tag will use the information to publish on their search results page, normally below the Title of your site.
  3. Setup meta keywords for your website and pages.
    Keywords define the content of your site. Keywords are used by search engines to properly index your site in addition to words from the title, document body and other areas. This tag is typically used for synonyms and alternates of title words. Use this tag with caution. Make sure to only use keywords that are relevant to your site. Search engines are known to penalize or blacklist your site for abuse. This tag also exposes your keywords to your competitors. Five hours of keyword research can be hijacked within just a few minutes by your competitor.Goggle is not activley using the meta keywords anymore, but Yahoo does.
  4. Include your keywords in header tags (H1, H2, H3).
    Search engines consider words that appear in the page headline and sub headers to be important to the page, so make sure your keywords and phrases appear in one or two header tags.
  5. Make sure your keywords are in the first paragraph of your body text.
    Search engines expect that your first paragraph will contain the important keywords for the document — where most people write an introduction to the content of the page. Do not force keywords, more is not better.
  6. Make your navigation system search engine friendly.
    Do not use frames. Even if search engines can find your content pages, they could be missing the key navigation for the rest of your website. Make sure that the navigation is accessible when JavaScript and Flash is turned off.
  7. Optimze your website for speed.
    Make it easy for spiders and visitors to access your content. You can also develop special pages that deliver special crafted content for search engine spiders, removing any clutter they can not handle anyway. Not talking about gateway pages, but stripped down version of your default design, which focus only on the content.
  8. Use a service like Google analytics to observe your website.
    See how people access your website. Remove anything that makes it difficlut or confusing to reach any destination on the webpage
  9. Make sure to update old contentif needed and produce new content in a steady intervall.
    Show your visitors that you care about your website and the topics you write about. One post per month will hardly promote your website.
  10. Provide interactive tools for visitors
    Interactive tools promotes an open exchange with your visitors. It can also help to push popularity and crosslinking with other sites, that relate to your content.

This is hardly a complete list and there are other things you need to consider when dealing with SEO scenarios. I often forget to stick to some of the points myself, at least when it comes to my own websites, but its worth the time to work on each of them. No websites are perfect from the start, all paintings in development ;)

Do not give up so easily. It takes time to promote a website and you will be tweaking things again and again. If you have a fair amount of content, things will be evolving alot faster. Hard to say what the critical mass is, as that depends on your content and the visitors. If you cover a unique topic, little content might drive your webserver nuts, more popular covered content, may take longer to make you website shine :)

The search engine traffic is often only the first wave coming your way, additional traffic will result through others linking to your content, you promoting it and playing an active part on other websites that link to the content / topics you cover.

Key is to enjoy what you do and not feeling forced to do so :)





is a cross-browser (supports Firefox 1.5+, Camino, Safari 2+, Opera 9+
and Internet Explorer 6+), cross-platform, cleanly-coded and
fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in

It is similar to lightbox, focusing on
displaying different media formats like Flash, QuickTime, and Windows
Media Player.

It’s easy to use Shadowbox
with your JavaScript library of choice.
Shadowbox comes bundled with adapters for Yahoo! UI, Ext, Prototype + Scriptaculous and jQuery. Website authors can display pictures and movies in all major
browsers without navigating away from the linking page.



portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | cleancss.com.6666cd76f96956469e7be39d750cc7d9CleanCSS is a powerful CSS optimizer and formatter.

Basically, it takes your CSS code and makes it cleaner and more concise. The backend is based on  CSS Tidy.



I have a couple of tools that use Ant to deal with the rebuilding process. Here is a good documentation, on how to set it up on OSX.

„Apache Ant is a software tool for automating software build processes. It is similar to make but is written in the Java language, requires the Java platform, and is best suited to building Java projects.“



portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | green eyed monster.com.ff9781fe02294ce4c4d3c675811d9e56Re-Animator is a development framework written in C++ using SDL and
various other Open Source libraries. It allows you to write
high-performance 2D sprite-based graphical applications (like games!)
using just XML and JavaScript.

It was originally conceived for the creation of remakes of old games, but can be used to create pretty much any type of 2D game.



When it comes to my development environment I have always been really picky. I need a clean and structured interface, not to cluttered, but still adjustable to my needs. I have tested countless IDE solutions in the past, but always seem to come back to Komodo from ActiveState.


„Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the immediate
availability of Adobe Flash Player 9 Update 3 software, previously
code named Moviestar. Adobe Flash Player 9 now includes H.264 standard
video support, the same standard deployed in Blu-Ray and HD-DVD high
definition video players, and High Efficiency AAC (HE-AAC) audio

The latest update also features hardware accelerated,
multi-core enhanced, full-screen video playback for high-resolution
viewing across major operating systems and browsers. The combination of
Adobe Flash Player 9 and Adobe Flash Media Server 3 (also announced
today) enables the delivery of HD quality video to the broadest online
audience. Adobe Flash Player 9 Update 3 is available immediately at www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer



portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | scratch.mit.edu.6666cd76f96956469e7be39d750cc7d9„Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create
your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art — and
share your creations on the web.

Scratch is designed to
help young people (ages 8 and up) develop 21st century learning skills.
As they create Scratch projects, young people learn important
mathematical and computational ideas, while also gaining a deeper
understanding of the process of design.“

