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3. Dezember 2007


Companion.JS is a Javascript debugger for IE.
The current version is 0.2, adding the following features to IE :

  • Detailled javascript error reporting (call stack and real file name where the error occured).
  • „Firebug“-like Console API feature.
  • Javascript console feature useful to inspect javascript objects at runtime.
  • A toolbar icon to open the Companion.JS panel.


3. Dezember 2007

Open Flash Chart

Open Flash Chart is an open source Flash charting library that allows you to draw pie, bar , line and area charts with ease.

It can be easily integrated into any project.  Data can be linked from static files or directly from a dynamic file. For the dynamic integration the project provides PHP, Perl, Python and Java classes, which assist in setting up the flash object.

The website provides a bunch of examples.



„The Flash Lite 3 Developer Edition is a standalone player for supported
mobile phones to allow developers to test their Flash Lite 3
applications before commercial devices start shipping with the full
version of Flash Lite 3 pre-installed.“


24. November 2007

What are you up to !

After thinking about setting up trac as a development workspace, I decided to build the required tools myself.

I just finished the SVN integration. I also rewrote the static content handler to work more like a classic wiki enviroment, including full revision support, text diff highlight for changes and automatic page creation.

I am glad I decided to build these tools myself, as it provides me with alot more freedom and extends the framework really nicely. These things are really becoming handy, as I have been using the static content feature alot lately, for myself and customers.



preg_replace_callback – Perform a regular expression search and replace using a callback

To use this function within a class do the following:



portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity |„Sandboxie is active upstream from any infections which may occur in
computers equipped with a Windows OS. This software isolates navigation
files and applications functions which it redirects into a sandbox.

Downloaded files such as scripts and other programs are locked in replicas of the directories normally used. Furthermore, Sandboxie uses a copy of part of the Windows Registry in order to protect the original from malicious insertions.

Thus, the modifications carried out under the protections of
Sandboxie are not effective in authentic files. Parasites and bugs that
are locked in it do not affect the operating system. Any new files or
changes which are to be kept should be registered outside the sandbox after having checked their validity.“



SWFAddress is a small, but powerful library that provides deep linking
for Flash and Ajax. It’s a developer tool, allowing creation of unique
virtual URLs that can point to a website section or an application
state. SWFAddress enables a number of important capabilities which are
missing in today’s rich web technologies including:

  • Bookmarking in a browser or social website
  • Sending links via email or instant messenger
  • Finding specific content with the major search engines
  • Utilizing browser history and reload buttons



There are easier ways to embed flash these days than adding the required tags by hand. I have used SWFObject and UFO int past to handle that task easily and dynamically in my applications. Both are unobtrusive libraries, which means that all (X)HTML, CSS and JavaScript code is fully separated from each other.

SWFObject is a small Javascript file used for embedding Adobe Flash
content. The script can detect the Flash plug-in in all major web
browsers (on Mac and PC) and is designed to make embedding Flash movies
as easy as possible. It is also very search engine friendly, degrades
gracefully, can be used in valid HTML and XHTML 1.0 documents.


UFO is a DOM script that detects the Flash plug-in and embeds Flash
objects (files with the .swf extension). It has its roots in the Web
Standards community and is designed to support W3C standards compliant,
accessible and search engine friendly web design. It also contains
several features and best practice techniques that other scripts
currently don’t have.UFO is a DOM script that detects the Flash plug-in and embeds Flash objects.


Both projects have joined forces and are developing SWFFix, which is still in beta.


portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | dzone.com.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427eDZone is a free link-sharing community for developers. Anyone can submit new links to the incoming queue and members can vote on upcoming links to determine what gets promoted.

Everyone can browse, search and comment on links



After receiving several emails over the past few months, inquiring about Script Connector, CastleKart and where I stand with all of that, I felt some sort of official comment should be posted to put an end to any questions concerning all of that once and for all.

Sometimes things in life just do not work out as you’d like, or hope for. As many know, Sam and I worked closely for many years, working on various projects under the ScriptConnector brand name. As of the beginning of this year, our business and personal relationship has come to an amicable ending with each of us choosing to move in different directions. I have restructured the codebase of the framework to my own needs, inspired by the setup system I developed for it last year.

Sam is the sole owner of the Script Connector brand name and therefore my old contact addresses are no longer valid. Please view my contact page for the most recent contact information.

The CastleKart project was fun while it lasted, but I wanted to clarify that the project has been terminated, since we have ceased working on that project for some time now. I am sure there are many other open source ecommerce solutions available to fill that void.

portalZINE on the other hand, has been coming alive again, allowing me to rethink my goals and move forward again. 2008 promises to be an exciting year for me, with a lot of new ideas just waiting to get out. I have an internal roadmap for many things coming, but currently existing and new customers come first.

I have been in touch with many current open source projects and already started contributing to those communities again as time permits. So it’s back to work for me, and I hope this clears up any outstanding questions concerning Script Connector, CastleKart and MagicX.

If not, please feel free to contact me from my contact page.

