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Hybridauth enables developers to easily build social applications and tools to engage websites visitors and customers on a social level by implementing social sign-in, social sharing, users profiles, friends list, activities stream, status updates and more.

The main goal of Hybridauth is to act as an abstract API between your application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.”

Hybridauth 2.x was the best option for nicely aggregated social logins so far, but some of the social “Providers” are outdated or no longer working. Version 3.0 is still in development, but providing a complete rewrite.

Hybridauth 3.0 Remake @ Github

For Facebook , Twitter and Google+ I still use my own little wrappers, but if you want more this is the way to go in the future :)

Enjoy coding …

18. November 2015

PHP & API Documentation

Currently refreshing my list of options to document projects and APIs.

I will use this page to keep a list of possible tools & solutions.


  1. PHPDocumentor
  2. phpDox – The PHP Documentation Generator
  3. Sami: an API documentation generator
  4. apigen (PHP 5.4+)
  5. Doxygen
  6. Dexy


  1. JSDoc
  2. API Blueprint
  3. Swagger.io
  4. apiary – API Design Stack
  5. APIDOC – RESTful web APIs
  6. ESDoc – JavaScript(ES6)
  7. doxx – Generic, template based, HTML output for Dox documentation generator
  8. documentation.js – raw documentation as JSON, beautiful, customizable HTML, or Markdown that fits perfectly into an API.md or README.md

Enjoy coding …


Really cool interface to test and debug Regex. The website also includes a nice regex library.




E-Learning platform for Thailand


  1. WPLMS (Learning Management System) setup / tweaks / fixes
  2. WooCommerce tweaks / fixes / optimization
  3. Language setup / localization cleanup / changes
  4. Optimization
  5. BuddyPress tweaks / changes / addons
  6. Custom Teacher commission dashboard (MyCred integration / teacher payout)
  7. Messaging changes and tweaks




Really neat solution, that allows you to build a quick viewport based layout, without relying on the still buggy CSS units.

Also works nicely in combination with Visual Composer for WordPress :)

vUnit @ Github

Enjoy coding …

11. November 2015

1Password for Teams

When working on projects in a team, sharing passwords is always happening. But how do you securely share passwords among team mates. I am using 1Password for years on all my devices. I am glad to see them expanding their offers with a team based password safe. The current setup is in beta and free to test.

1Password for Teams


“WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations”




Using WordPress as a headless system, is nothing new. You can easily build out your own REST API or use the long available HTTP REST API 1.0+ for WordPress.

But with the new HTTP REST API 2.0+ its getting really easy to build out your own REST API Namespace and assign routes for all your JSON needs.

The new REST API will make its appearance in WordPress 4.4, but you can start now by adding the plugin to your system. When the plugin detects 4.4+ it will only load functionality not already present in the core.


A route tells the API to respond to a given request with a specific function (endpoint). This adds the permalink structure to WordPress so that your functionality can be accessed via an url like this: http://yourdoman.com/wp-json/yourplugin/v1/myfunction/your_parameter 


The Endpoint is the callback handled by the route. Each endpoint can have additional parameters attached:

  1. custom permissions
  2. default values
  3. sanitization callback
  4. validation callback
  5. field requirements and more


The return values from the endpoint are converted into JSON. You can use the WP_REST_Response object , this wraps normal body data and allows you to return a custom status code.

Really powerful stuff, that makes it easy to detach WordPress and the actual client using the data provided by it.

You can read more about it here.

Enjoy coding …


Some options to get those translatable strings out of your templates. I will be adding new things, as I discover them :)

  1. xgettext-templateHandlebars & Swig
  2. gettext-twig – {% trans “string here” %}
  3. rtwix – Ruby based TWIG translations extractor
  4. twig-po – Extract translation keys from twig templates and move them to PO
  5. Twig-Gettext-Extractor –  tool which extracts translations from twig templates

Enjoy coding …


Flarum is new elegant next-generation forum software. It provides a touch optimized two pane layout with floating composer.

The backend runs on PHP/MySQL.

