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“The tracking.js library brings different computer vision algorithms and techniques into the browser environment. By using modern HTML5 specifications, we enable you to do real-time color tracking, face detection and much more”



Material Design for Bootstrap is a theme for Bootstrap 3 which lets you use the new Google Material Design in your favorite front-end framework.


31. October 2015

Timber , TWIG & PoEdit

Timber / Twig templates are normally not recognized by Poedit. Its just a matter of tweaking the C/C++ extractor within the settings panel.

Add TWIG to the filetypes: *.c;*.cpp;*.h;*.hpp;*.cc;*.C;*.cxx;*.hxx;*.twig

Gettext calls, like {{__(“Points Conversion Rate”, “wplms-extras”)}} in Timber, are being extracted from your templates after that.

Easier than using the gettext extractor :)



Enjoy coding …



Another Javascript stack tracer that helps to squeeze all those bugs out of your fresh applications :)

“Supports all major browsers, from IE6 to Opera, the Android webview and everywhere in between.”



Excel needs to know that you are using non-ASCII characters in your CSV or it will not display them correctly :)

Add the BOM(Byte Order Mark) to the first line, notifying Excel that you are offering a UTF-8 encoded file.

Enjoy coding …


I am currently working on a WPLMS enhancement for a customer, that allows to simplify the payout of instructor commissions. The whole system runs on the MyCred Points System and students pay for courses with Points. The problem is how to easily payout the instructor commissions via PayPal.

There is currently no addon for MyCred available that does that magic, so I build one myself.

At the moment the payment process via PayPal is completely manual, due to budget constraints. I am basically generating a custom “Send Money” link that prefills the PayPal email and amount to send.

The interface itself handles the payout sessions, tracks the instructor balance, paid and unpaid points.

Here some images to illustrate the admin dashboard:


This list the instructors and their point balance and allows to start the payment process.


Payout sessions make sure, that only one session can be started per instructor, as the instructor could earn new points during the process. The points converted can be changed, allowing you to payout a fixed amount of points.

Its a 3 step process. Login at PayPal. Open the “Send money” dialog and send money to instructor. Confirm that you manually send the money and than register the payment and payout points in the system.


The session can be cancelled at any point. You can also leave the session open and continue at a later point.


On the frontend I added an interface to the BuddyPress Profile, that allows the instructor to track his payouts and balance.


The whole setup could be updated using PayPal Adaptive Payments, to make the whole process completely automated. Something to consider for the future :) Pretty happy with the manual process so far and it will be a great help for my customer to keep track of the commission payouts.

The whole setup is currently targeted for WPLMS, but can easily be adapted to other setups using the MyCred Points System.

Enjoy coding …




“OpenLog is a lightweight front end Javascript plugin (< 1kb gzipped!) that sends your user’s console errors & warnings in real time to a dynamic dashboard built with Node.”

You can not have enough tools to track errors and warnings during development. OpenLog is a nice clean dashboard to keep an overview of things being logged.

It will automatically track console.log, console.info, console.warn and console.error.

You can also use its build in methods.

  • Log.error();
  • Log.warn();
  • Log.info();


Enjoy coding …


Javascript Error tracking is becoming more and more important, with applications moving to the client. Many service providers already offer a variety of extensive error tracking solutions for a price. These providers help to get around browser limitations and get the most out of errors.

Depending on your budget, that might not always be an option and not always needed.

To the rescue comes ErrorBoard, that provides a basic interface to track window.onerror events. Requires Node.js, NPM and a free port.

Here the window.onerror,  how I set it up for now:

Enjoy coding …


This will request no authentication, if the Request URI has /error/ in it.

SetEnvIf Apache

Enjoy coding …


Build your Ajax Loading Icons with SVG / CSS / GIF.

