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The jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.5 goes PRO.  If you decide to use the Horizontal Accordion for your commercial projects and always enjoy the most recent release, I ask you to support my work with the purchase of a pro license.

The public release will be delayed until the next full release.
By supporting the development, a Pro user gets early access to new releases and will be able to suggest & vote on new features. I will be adding that section in the coming days.

I will be updating the PRO page with the latest documentation as well, but most of it is covered within the delivered example page and on the current public documentation page.
Thank you for supporting the development.


I will be adding automatic image slicing for your handles, which takes a background image and adjusts its background position for each handle on the fly.

Will also add a method to easily exchange the image and allow looping of images within the handles as well :)



I will be releasing an updated version of the Horizontal Accordion this week.

  • better calculation of handle width
  • stop/start cycling on mouseenter / mouseleave
  • call external function on complete


I will be working on some updates for the Horizontal Accordion soon. Feel free to follow me on Google+.

19. February 2011

Horizontal accordion

I know that some are wondering, if I am still here. Yes I am :) 

I get many emails asking me, if I could update that or do that for them. 
Sorry, but I am concentrating on other projects right now, that support my family.  
Many use the horizontal accordion for commercial projects, but never really thought about giving something back. 
Some sent me $1 or even less in the past, which not really motivates me to extend or fix the available codebase ;) This hardly gets me a cup of coffee ;)
I have been working on it internally, but have no open updates planned for the near future.


Thanks for all the nice comments over at the Horizontal Accordion section.

Really hope to be able to find some time soon, to deal with some much needed upgrades to the script. I fixed the anti-aliasing problem in IE on the example page, just make sure to add a background colour to the container ;)

I have been busy with many things over at portalZINE TV and a huge upgrade for a client. Also preparing new distribution channels right now for a mobile platform and satellite :)  Yeah sounds huge, but still has to deliver financially :) Seems to be my karma, always giving more than I get back LOL

Enjoying summer and parts of the WM, not a big soccer fan :)

Cheers to you all and talk to you soon.


3. February 2010

I am still close by :)

I know that I have not updated this blog much in the past few months.

I have been tight up with portalZINE TV and contract work.

Hope to free some time for the horizontal accordion soon, as I have a rough skeleton of the new codebase in place alrready.

But I dont expect me working on it before CeBIT 2010 :)



Some might have wordered, if I am still around. I am, but workload has been crazy for the past 2 months. I had only little time to work my way through some freetime development.

I have spend most of my freetime to push portalZINE.TV and prepare new segments for season 3, which will start end of September.

I will be taking a break for about 2 weeks from the Internets and be back to business end of September.

The Horizontal Accordion plugin for jQuery will get another rewrite start of Oktober. Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. I have also seen some nice workarounds for shortcomings of the plugin. My plan is to start fresh in parts and add some much needed functioanlity to it.

I also have a new plugin in preparation, called Image Matrix, which I have been using for some months now and will make available.

Also preparing a new tutorial for stretching background images using jQuery, CSS, PHP and GD.

More about all this when I am back.

Enjoy what is left of the summer, I will sure do :) Really really need some vacation.



I have been sick the past days, that is why the next release will be delayed a bit more.

Will keep you posted.



Thank you for all the nice feedback for the jQuery Horizontal Accordion. I am currently finishing the next alpha version. I am adding fixes for IE and the window resize feature back into the release.

Should have a download for you start of next week.

