Just upgraded one of the development versions to the 1.8 alpha1 release.
Lets see how some of my modifications behave :)
Just updated the plugin again.
done – Template method
done – Add title and description as options
done – Picasa & Google+ Link
Just released a new plugin for jQuery. cubicFUSION Picasa allows you to easily pull images from Picasa / Google+ into your webpage.
This is a simple version, with more to come in the future :)
January is always a slow month. Still have a couple of free slots for the coming weeks ;)
If you are looking for a jQuery plugin developer or general PHP developer send me an email and we can talk.
My skillsets are listed on the website.
Seit 2 Jahren arbeite ich mit einem Freund an nostraEVENT, einer Plattform über die man Vorhersagen anlegen, teilen und später überprüfen kann.
Momentan kannn man lediglich per Einladung teilnehmen, eine Restriktion während der Beta Phase. Aktuell ist nostraEVENT nur auf Deutsch verfügbar, eine komplette Übersetzung in Englisch und weitere Sprachen ist aber in der Vorbereitung.
Just updated the documentation for the jQuery Horizonal Accordion 2.60.05 release!
The latest download package features a clean seperation of all examples / options.
Will have the updated documentation up by end of the week.
The examples have most of the new options it included.
Just updated the download in your customer section.
Just fiished the latest updates and will upload the new version on Monday evening.
These are the highlights. I still have some minor updates on the list, that might make it into the release as well.
More on Monday.
Further updates on their way:
Should have those available for all PRO users end of the week, latest start of next week.