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I almost completely switched to Sass in the past year. So organzing my CSS code has become a mission of mine :)

Structure is especially needed, when you are not the only one working on the design. So that everyone on the team can easily understand and contribute with ease. There are never too many files, as files get combined anyway.

Make your own life easier and for those you work with!

Currently applying the following structure on newer projects:

  1. BASE holds files like resets, typography and foundation structures.
  2. COMPONENTS holds specific module definitions, like buttons, navigation etc.
  3. UTILS holds my own functions, mixins and configuration for the whole project.
  4. LAYOUT holds the main files defining the different layout areas / grid of the project.
  5. SECTIONS holds the definition of pages or sub sections defined.
  6. THEMES holds files for theme switches or front / backend layouts.
  7. VENDORS holds those files that are related to external includes.

Which architecture fits your project & team will vary.

Enjoy coding …


Nice simple addon to add a loading animation to your Bootstrap buttons, when doing Ajax requests. Always better to let users know, that your system is doing something ;)

Ladda for Bootstrap @ Github


„The picture element, srcset and sizes attributes, and associated features allow web developers to deliver an appropriate image to every user depending on a variety of conditions like screen size, viewport size, screen resolution, and more. Picturefill enables support for the picture element and associated features in browsers that do not yet support them, so you can start using them today!“

Picturefill @ Github


19. Dezember 2015

Get your load of CSS loaders

Nice selection of CSS loaders, in pure CSS and HTML. Many of the loaders  can be tweaked within an online editor.

CSS Load.net

17. Dezember 2015

Sass Clearfix Mixin



Simple is king :)

Enjoy coding …

16. Dezember 2015

Angular 2.0 Beta goes live

Angular reaches BETA status. Time to start playing with it … Perfect for the holidays :)

With NativeScript und React Native you will be able to build native Android- und iOS-Apps as well.

Tutorial / GitHub

Enjoy coding …


Bourbon is one of the Sass Mixins libraries that always makes it into my projects :)

You will find Mixins for

  1. Animation / Keyframes / Transitions
  2. Image handling
  3. Columns
  4. Fonts
  5. Flexbox
  6. Media Queries
  7. Text decorations
  8. and more

Bourbon @ Github


Just a couple of links that deal with the usage or testing of structured data.

Structured data is not yet relevant for content rankings, but that might change in the future (Hangout).

„Structured data markup“ is a standard way to annotate your content so machines  can understand and categorize it. Proper usage elevates the way data is displayed on Google Search, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and many others, when one of your content links is posted there.




Really looking forward to the JSON-LD integration :)


Enjoy coding …


CSS Crush is a standards inspired CSS pre-processor that is written in PHP from scratch.


  1. Auto-prefixing
  2. Variables
  3. Direct @import
  4. Nesting
  5. Rule inheritance
  6. Abstract rules
  7. Functions
  8. Selector grouping
  9. Selector aliases
  10. Mixins
  11. Fragments

For a current project I am adding CSS Crush side by side to Sass. Lets see which of them sticks around in the end :)  Might be keeping them both, as CSS Crush provides some nice options.

CSS Crush @ Github

Enjoy coding …


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