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Since 2.2 some apps can be moved to external memory (App2SD), but some of them wont allow it. Here is a nice easy way to accomplish this for most of the installed applications using the Android SDK, ADB and your connected device.

1. install the SDK (if you dont know how –> search)
2. make sure that your device is connected (adb devices)
3. open a shell: adb shell
4. update the install location of your device: pm setInstallLocation 2
5. exit the shell: exit
6. now most of your applications can be moved ( Settings->Applications->Manage Applications.)

This trick combined with root access, makes even smaller devices more usable :)

13. März 2012

Flipps HD / iMediaShare

Flippen Sie Video von Ihrem Mobiltelefon auf Ihr TV-Gerät, nahtlos.

Mit Flipps sind Sie der Herrscher über Ihre Inhalte. Wählen Sie aus über 100 speziell verwalteten Kanälen in Kategorien wie Filme, Musik, News, Sport und Familie. Flipps erkennt automatisch jeden verbundenen TV in Ihrer Umgebung, somit ist das Abspielen Ihrer Inhalte auf dem großen Bildschirm nur einen Tap entfernt. Es gibt keinen Dongle, keine schicke Box, und definitiv keine zusätzlichen TV-Apps – nur eine kraftvolle iPhone App in einem sehr kleinen Paket.

Genießen Sie Ihre Lieblingsunterhaltung im Netz wie zB CNN, National Geographic, BBC, Sesamstraße, Vimeo und Youtube, oder entspannen Sie jede Woche mit ausgewählten kostenlosen Filmen.

Flipps verwandelt Ihr Telefon in die ultimative Fernbedienung, somit können Sie mit einfachen Touchscreen-Gesten die Lautstärke anpassen und die Wiedergabe kontrollieren.


13. März 2012


Besuche die neusten oder beliebtesten Seiten mit Deinem HbbTV-tauglichen Receiver. Zeige anderen neue HbbTV-Links, die Du gefunden hast.

Stimme für die besten Seiten ab. Für aktuelle News folge @HBBig auf Twitter.



I just released version 2.6 Beta of the jQuery Horizontal Accordion for all PRO customers.
This version is feature complete, but still needs some cleanup and optimization. 

The included example file, should give you a pretty good idea of what the plugin can do and how its done.

All current customers can take it for a spin. The download is available through your customer account.

The next BETA is scheduled for next week, which will have a minimized version included again.

PRO Version



Cleanup of some old baggage over at GelaSkins Deutschland, preparing for a big update in the coming months.

GelaSkins Deutschland

10. März 2012

GreenApe Updates

Just finished some final adjustments for the new shop over at GreenApe.



I am currently preparing the first Beta of version 2.6.

The download will be available in the customer section this week.



I have been working on a small Teleprompter Software for some time now and will be releasing a beta in the coming days.  

The software is still work in progress and provides the following features right now:

  • load / save text
  • text styling (bold, italic,underline, font, color)
  • set background color / text color / invert
  • line spacing
  • eye level highlight, can be moved where ever you want it
  • second window with mirrored text
  • set fixed scrolling speed
  • let the software calculate scrolling speed by line height and target timeframe
  • shortcut keys (scroll speed, start , stop …)

The software will be for Mac OSX and Windows, with a planned release for Linux as well.

The first release will be provided at an unbeatable price-point, with the posibility to help shape its features and design for the 1.0 release.

Check the product page for more information and a first video preview in the coming days.



Resizing works perfectly now. Will be in version 2.6. I am using the doTimeout plugin in the example from Ben Alman to debounce and delay the resize across browsers.

Update: Resizing remembers state of the accordion and continues where it left off now :)


I will be adding automatic image slicing for your handles, which takes a background image and adjusts its background position for each handle on the fly.

Will also add a method to easily exchange the image and allow looping of images within the handles as well :)

