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SpinThatShit is a set of SCSS mixins for single element loaders and spinners.



The Bellmaker is a library of device-agnostic and device-specific media queries that will complement your exisiting CSS.



Koala is a GUI application for Less, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript compilation, to help web developers to use them more efficiently. Koala can run in windows, linux and mac.”

Koala / GitHub


A Sass mixin for creating angled edges on sections by dynamically encoding SVGs.

Angled Edges


Transformicons are animated symbols/buttons/icons that morph using a combination of SVG, CSS and HTML.
They also offer a builder to tweak the set.


14. March 2016

iOS Apps for developers

IDE – Integrated development environment

  1. Koder is still my main solution, with a bunch of features I do not want to miss on the go.
    • Syntax Highlighting
    • Code Autocomplete
    • Code Function list
    • Access and Manage your Dropbox, (S)FTP, webdav and local files easily
    • Built In Terminal (SSH Client)
    • Built In Snippet Manager
    • Tabbed editing
    • Extra Keyboard with Custom Key
    • iOS8 Document Picker Support to open/import/export other app files from/to Koder
    • Find and replace code
    • Previewer Browser with Firebug Support + View Source function
    • Editor theme with Custom Theme Editor
    • Extra Key / Additional Keys on Virtual Keyboard with open+close brackets keys
    • Screen
    • Lock, Manual and Auto Lock
    • Extracting Zip File on Local project
    • Sophisticated File Browser
    • iOS “Open In” support, from Koder to other app
    • vice versa
    • Change file/folder permission (CHMOD) on FTP/SFTP projects
    • Folder Synchronization between Local Project and FTP Project
    • Uploading files from desktop from browser or iTunes sharing
    • Expandable editing space
    • Bluetooth Keyboard Support
    • and many more
  2. DraftCode PHP IDE is a complete PHP and webserver environment that works offline on your iPad or iPhone
  3. Coda is powerful, and portable text editor.
    • A stunningly full
    • featured text editor
    • Works on both the iPhone or iPad
    • Editor features Clips, Find & Replace (with placeholder!), Context Keys, Super Loupe, much more.
    • Syntax highlighting for Apache, C, CSS, Diff, Go, Haml, HTML, INI, Java, JavaScript, LESS, Lua, Markdown, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Sass, Scheme, Shell, SQL, Swift, XML and YAML
    • Local or Remote file management
    • Remote protocols include FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, DreamObjects, and FTP (Plain, TLS, SSL) support
    • Preview
    • Air Preview for use with Coda for Mac
    • Playgrounds
    • SSH Terminal
    • Much more!
  4. Textastic is an advanced code editor for iPad with support for syntax highlighting, (S)FTP and Dropbox.


  1. FTPOnTheGo – A desktop class, award winning FTP client
  2. iTransfer
  3. FTP Client Pro

SSH Terminal

  1. iTerminal – SSH Telnet Client
  2. SSH Terminal
  3. Serverauditor – SSH Shell / Console / Terminal


  1. Dash is an API Documentation Browser that gives your iPad and iPhone instant offline access to 150+ API documentation sets.


  1. CodeBucket is the best way to browse and maintain your Bitbucket repositories on any iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad
  2. Git2Go is the first app which unleashes your full development productivity from everywhere.
  3. GitLab Control is the best way to manage your GitLab projects on any iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad device

Enjoy coding …



Simple way to do some Visual Composer Grid cleanup, when you are using Bootstrap within your theme. This removes and cleans up classes.

Visual Composer for WordPress
Bootstrap / Bootstrap Sass

Enjoy coding …


I almost completely switched to Sass in the past year. So organzing my CSS code has become a mission of mine :)

Structure is especially needed, when you are not the only one working on the design. So that everyone on the team can easily understand and contribute with ease. There are never too many files, as files get combined anyway.

Make your own life easier and for those you work with!

Currently applying the following structure on newer projects:

  1. BASE holds files like resets, typography and foundation structures.
  2. COMPONENTS holds specific module definitions, like buttons, navigation etc.
  3. UTILS holds my own functions, mixins and configuration for the whole project.
  4. LAYOUT holds the main files defining the different layout areas / grid of the project.
  5. SECTIONS holds the definition of pages or sub sections defined.
  6. THEMES holds files for theme switches or front / backend layouts.
  7. VENDORS holds those files that are related to external includes.

Which architecture fits your project & team will vary.

Enjoy coding …

17. December 2015

Sass Clearfix Mixin



Simple is king :)

Enjoy coding …


Bourbon is one of the Sass Mixins libraries that always makes it into my projects :)

You will find Mixins for

  1. Animation / Keyframes / Transitions
  2. Image handling
  3. Columns
  4. Fonts
  5. Flexbox
  6. Media Queries
  7. Text decorations
  8. and more

Bourbon @ Github
