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Easily add beautiful checkboxes and radio buttons in pure CSS. Highly customizable via SCSS.

portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | preview

  •  Basic
    • Shapes – SquareCurveRound
    • Variants – DefaultFillThick
    • Colors – PrimarySuccessInfoWarningDanger
    • Color types – SolidOutline
    • Animations – SmoothTadaJellyPulseRotate
  • Switch – iOS style – OutlineFillSlim
  • Responsive
  • No JavaScript
  • Custom Font Icons
  • SVG Icons
  • Image support
  • Toggle between icons / SVG’s / images
  • Lock
  • State – FocusHoverIndeterminate
  • Supports frameworks – BootstrapFoundationSematic UIBulma, …
  • SCSS customization
  • Supports all modern browsers, including mobile devices
  • Print friendly



WordPress WooCommerce Appointments

WooCommerce Appointments is a commercial  booking plugin that allows you to setup appointments with WooCommerce. It has full integration into Google calendar to track appointments of your staff.

Staff availability can be set globally or via each staff members profile. While this is nice, I was looking for an option to actually handle availability via another Google Calendar as well. That was a must have feature for a current project.

What do you do, if that feature is not available yet ? You poke the code!

The magic entry point for the staff availability is the user meta “_wc_appointment_availability“, which is made available through includes/class-wc-product-appointment-staff.php.

A couple of weeks ago I asked support for a simple filter hook to alter the availability on demand from the outside.

The development team added the feature in one of the latest releases, making wc_appointments_staff_availability the entry point for my custom availability changes.

The filter hook

Getting the data

You can either pull Google Calendar Events directly through the Google Calendar API or use the available iCal export option. In this quick example I will use the private calendar iCal export file.

The availability calendar

Lets setup a quick clean calendar, called “Availability”. So simple and catchy :)

  1. Create a new calendar
  2. Create some test events. WooCommerce Appointments supports multiple availability rules, but I am focusing on the time:range option and recurring events for this example. I might be extending on this a bit more in the future ! So for this example:  Friday, timeframe 10:00 – 16:00 and repeating four times.
  3. Go into settings and get the link to the privat ical export file

Parse iCal data

For this example I am using the PHP ICS Parser, but any other parser will do.  Install it via composer: composer require johngrogg/ics-parser.

Lets create a quick little plugin to get us going and save it to /wp-content/plugins/CustomAvailability/smile.php


Set the availability

Its time to get the data into the system. I am only pulling and altering the availability for one single user in this example, the user with the USERID “3”. This should provide you with a good starting point.

The example pulls and parses the ics file on every load, use a transient or REDIS to store data and only refresh in certain intervals.

Hope this gets you started! I build a simple interface around it, with a lot of more rule options. This makes the setup for each staff member a brise. Now each of them can setup a calendar easily and provide  me with the ics link  :) WooCommerce Appointments rocks …

Enjoy coding ….



There are many variations of these out there, SSilence/php-imap-client is a lib with a nice set of methods, clean integration and pretty good documentation.
Adding it to my goto essentials !


Enjoy coding …

Default IMAP Search Criteria


10. February 2018

Screen Scraping with Goutte

We all have been in situations were we need content or information from a connected website, but have no access to a REST Api or any other backend feed.

In these cases screen scraping is the only option to get needed information to finalize an integration. You can do that directly in CURL, but that can be tedious. Far easier to use a nicely packaged solution that combines a component that simulates web browser behavior and a component that eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents. Meet Goutte!


Install via composer.



Login into a website and navigate to the page that has your needed information



Get the data you need.

Goutte @ Github
BrowserKit Documentation
DOM Crawler Documentation

Enjoy coding …


4. February 2018

jQuery QueryBuilder

QueryBuilder is an UI component to create queries and filters.

  • It can be used on advanced search engine pages, administration backends, etc.
  • It is highly customizable and is pluggable to many jQuery widgets like autocompleters, sliders and datepickers.
  • It outputs a structured JSON of rules which can be easily parsed to create SQL/NoSQL/whatever queries.
  • And it also comes with a set of great plugins and has a full events system for even more features.

Really neatly programmed solution, with many possible ways to hook into it with your own plugins.



An icon font to use with the Google Maps API and Google Places API, using SVG markers and icon labels.

Map Icons makes Google Maps Markers dynamic with control over shape, color, size, and icon easily changed using options in the marker object as well as simple SVG Notation and CSS.

GitHub / Preview


I have been working on a project , that relies on text-to-speech cloud services for a lot of things.

Audiomanager abstracts access to  popular text-to-speech cloud services like GoogleIvonaAmazon Polly… Really a timesaver, when evaluating different  services.

Polly Example


Enjoy coding ….


PHP dotenv loads environment variables from .env to getenv()$_ENV and $_SERVER automagically.

You should never store sensitive credentials in your code. Anything that is likely to change between deployment environments – such as database credentials or credentials for 3rd party services – should be extracted from the code into environment variables.

Add your application configuration to a .env file in the root of your project. Make sure the .env file is added to your .gitignore so it is not being checked-in.





Enjoy coding and be secure …


Simple little snippet, that can easily be used in conjunction with wp_update_user()

Enjoy coding …


“Logstalgia is a website traffic visualization tool that replays or streams web-server access logs as a pong-like battle between the web server and an never ending torrent of requests.

Requests appear as colored balls (the same color as the host) which travel across the screen to arrive at the requested location. Successful requests are hit by the paddle while unsuccessful ones (eg 404 – File Not Found) are missed and pass through.

The paths of requests are summarized within the available space by identifying common path prefixes. Related paths are grouped together under headings. For instance, by default paths ending in png, gif or jpg are grouped under the heading Images. Paths that don’t match any of the specified groups are lumped together under a Miscellaneous section.”

