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Just updated the documentation for the jQuery Horizonal Accordion 2.60.05 release!


The latest download package features a clean seperation of all examples / options.



Will have the updated documentation up by end of the week.

The examples have most of the new options it included.


Just updated the download in your customer section.

A  list of changes


Just fiished the latest updates and will upload the new version on Monday evening.

  • Cleanup: Split examples into separate files
  • Cleanup: Example js & css
  • Fixed: Events not firing in some configuration (thanks ukaccord for pointing it out)
  • New: jQuery 1.62+ is required,  this might move up in upcoming versions.
  • New: showTimeout, allows to hide the accordion during resizing and loading
  • New: onShowFunctionName, will fire once the accordion has been loaded or resized
  • Fixed: openOnLoad, was misbehaving, has been moved and  works fine now
  • Fixed: Loading by hash has been moved and fixed
  • New: loopStatus Method (start / end ( current element)
  • New: instanceStatus Method, holding current relevant data (elementCount, containerWidth, finalWidth, …)
  • Update: Resizing updated again and checked in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE …
  • New: Version check for the example page, will let you know when a new vrsion is available

These are the highlights. I still have some minor updates on the list, that might make it into the release as well.

More on Monday.



Further updates on their way:

  1. Resizing works now perfectly across Chrome, Firefox , IE . I will post a video showcase.
  2. Easing workaround for IE 
  3. Better status monitoring and consistant implementation
  4. New "showTimeout" option to hide the accordion during load or resizing
  5. Loop remembers state during resizing
  6. Example cleanup & separation

Should have those available for all PRO users end of the week, latest start of next week.



jQuery Horizontal Accordion 2.6 Beta 2 available.

Just updated the 2.6 download to Beta 2. Alle Pro customers can get it.

  • loop status has been updated
  • small update to fix problems on Firefox & IE (currently only a workaround, that I am investigating and will replace in the final version)
  • further cleanup


Since 2.2 some apps can be moved to external memory (App2SD), but some of them wont allow it. Here is a nice easy way to accomplish this for most of the installed applications using the Android SDK, ADB and your connected device.

1. install the SDK (if you dont know how –> search)
2. make sure that your device is connected (adb devices)
3. open a shell: adb shell
4. update the install location of your device: pm setInstallLocation 2
5. exit the shell: exit
6. now most of your applications can be moved ( Settings->Applications->Manage Applications.)

This trick combined with root access, makes even smaller devices more usable :)


I just released version 2.6 Beta of the jQuery Horizontal Accordion for all PRO customers.
This version is feature complete, but still needs some cleanup and optimization. 

The included example file, should give you a pretty good idea of what the plugin can do and how its done.

All current customers can take it for a spin. The download is available through your customer account.

The next BETA is scheduled for next week, which will have a minimized version included again.

PRO Version



Cleanup of some old baggage over at GelaSkins Deutschland, preparing for a big update in the coming months.

GelaSkins Deutschland

10. March 2012

GreenApe Updates

Just finished some final adjustments for the new shop over at GreenApe.

