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When the defer attribute is present in the script tag, it specifies that the script is executed when the page has finished parsing. A requirement that is enforced by Google for example (Page-Speed ranking).

Currently the WordPress wp_enqueue_script provides no easy way to add new attributes, but there is a way around that :)
The below hack / filter needs to be added to your theme function.php. The filter should be your preferred solution, as the clean_url filter has been deprecated.

Make sure that your website / theme is still loading after adding these changes. If needed you can add more exceptions, as I did for jQuery.

Hack for WordPress before 4.1

 Filter for WordPress 4.1+ 
Updated: 26.04.2015 – using clean Regexp

 Browser Support

  1. All modern browsers
  2. Support in IE9 is flaky, as the execution order isn’t guaranteed.
  3. Can I use


Compressing your content saves bandwidth and improves render time, particular on devices with slow internet connections. Compression allows your web server to provide smaller file sizes that load faster for your visitors. Compression of your HTML and CSS files with gzip typically saves around 50 to 70 % of the file size.

Check if GZIP Compression is active on your website

  1. HTTP Compression test
  2. Check GZIP Compression

Adding GZIP Compression via your htaccess (Apache)

Adding GZIP Compression on NGINX

Adding GZIP Compression via a WordPress Plugin

A good candidate is the WP Far Future Expiration Plugin ,which not only activates GZIP compression but adds file expiration for various static file types.

Check speed improvement before and after

  1. GTmetrix
  2. Google Pagespeed
  3. Pingdom Tools
  4. YSlow


As part of our complete network upgrade, portalZINE.TV gets a complete facelift as well. The whole website has been streamlined in preparation for the new season.

portalZINE TV


„Holland America Line Reisprofile Test“ provides an interface for customers to find out which cruise type they are.
By sliding the images you are choosing your preferences and define your cruise type, which allows you to get an individual set of cruises sent to you.



Audiosprite is a node.js ffmpeg wrapper to concat small audio files into one single file. It even allows you to define the gap between each file.
Audiosprite – node.js ffmpeg wrapper to concat small audio files into one weiterlesen



Adding audio to a web project can be really a pain in the …. . Howler.js makes it almost painless to add audio for desktop or mobile solutions.

Just used the audio sprite feature in one of my projects to allow switching between sounds. Works perfectly on iOS after the first touch event.

howler.js / Github

Check out version 2.0 on Github, which provides even more solid features.
Version 2.0



Appear.In: Hang out with friends, not with Google. Appear.In lets you set up a video chat room, send friends the link, and start talking. No accounts, no sign up necessary, just talk! Already reserved a room :)

WebRTC browser test




In a perfect world all current browsers would allow the usage of WebRTC natively, but that is as always not the case ;)


„WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an API definition drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that supports browser-to-browser applications for voice calling, video chat, and P2P file sharing without the need of either internal or external plugins.“ – Wikipedia

Using Web RTC in your web application weiterlesen



„PhoneJS contains everything you’ll need to create native client applications using HTML5 and JavaScript with a single codebase and deliver solutions that target today’s most popular smartphones and tablet devices.

With a touch-optimized user experience, natively rendered widgets, straightforward page navigation, view management, and data access layers, PhoneJS is a single page application (SPA) framework for your next iOS, Android and WindowsPhone application, ready for online publication or packaged as a store-ready native app using Apache Cordova (PhoneGap).“

Really thinking about using it for one of my upcoming projects. Best documentation I have seen for a long time. Will build a test app next year :)




jQuery Mobile 1.4RC1 is a lot snappier, time take a closer look again :)

jQuery Mobile
