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svgcleaner has been around for some time and is constantly being optimized! It helps you clean up your SVG files, keeping them free from unnecessary data.

  • Temporary data used by the vector editing application
  • Non-optimal SVG structure representation
  • Unused and invisible graphical elements

Github project.

The GUI application adds batch file processing, decompression & compression and parallel cleaning jobs, GUI application.


Easily add beautiful checkboxes and radio buttons in pure CSS. Highly customizable via SCSS.

portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | preview

  •  Basic
    • Shapes – SquareCurveRound
    • Variants – DefaultFillThick
    • Colors – PrimarySuccessInfoWarningDanger
    • Color types – SolidOutline
    • Animations – SmoothTadaJellyPulseRotate
  • Switch – iOS style – OutlineFillSlim
  • Responsive
  • No JavaScript
  • Custom Font Icons
  • SVG Icons
  • Image support
  • Toggle between icons / SVG’s / images
  • Lock
  • State – FocusHoverIndeterminate
  • Supports frameworks – BootstrapFoundationSematic UIBulma, …
  • SCSS customization
  • Supports all modern browsers, including mobile devices
  • Print friendly



An icon font to use with the Google Maps API and Google Places API, using SVG markers and icon labels.

Map Icons makes Google Maps Markers dynamic with control over shape, color, size, and icon easily changed using options in the marker object as well as simple SVG Notation and CSS.

GitHub / Preview


CodeCombat is a multiplayer programming game for learning how to code. The ultimate goal of CodeCombat is to bring more users into the field of computer programming by making the logic and syntax more accessible and enjoyable to learn. The end game is to educate a whole new generation of computer programmers that started their journey by slaying ogres and defending their castles from oncoming enemy hordes.

CodeCombat teaches Python, JavaScript, and other languages directly in the browser.

CodeCombat itself can be found on GitHub under the free MIT license. All the art assets (sprites, backgrounds, sound effects, etc.) can also be found on GitHub and are published under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. This allows easy use of the game artwork for projects of students.

You can subscribe online or setup a dev environment on Windows, Mac or Linux yourself.   You need to be able to follow instructions and have some basic technical knowledge.

While the setup on the Mac and Linux are straight forward, Windows is the hardest to get working! (CodeCombat Wiki)

I have setup a local dev environment on my Mac for my daughter, as she does not play regularly but loves to tinker with it from time to time … learning Javascript!

Used some AppleScript  magic and Automator to ease the startup of the setup when needed. The setup might vary on your end, as I am using iTerm2 as a Terminal replacement.

CodeCombat is a really fun way to get into programming and keep your kids motivated.

CodeCombat Website / GitHub




Really love these. Highly realistic, articulated figures created with the artist in mind.  Over 30 articulated joints make it easy to recreate a desired pose or action.



Voxel Builder is an open source tool that lets anyone design and edit 3D voxel (cube) models easily, right in their web browser.

You can export the voxel, print it to allow you to fold it up using paper or use it as a base model for 3D printing!

Voxel Builder


A new customer website goes online. KAIAKOO offers private and group coaching events, fire walks and more.

KAIAKOO – Adventure Coaching

30. August 2017

GreenApe is breathing again

After some downtime, GreenApe is breathing again. I revived the brand with a good friend of mine and we will be reopening shop options shortly.

Michael and I have been friends for a long time. We have been working on many different projects over the years.

He launched GreenApe in 2011 and I helped him with his first steps. A couple of months ago we decided to merge our competences and expand what GreenApe offers and stands for.

From the website:The GreenApe brand was established in 2011. GreenApe’s career began with the 1st Single Malt Whisky Coffee.

As the first of its kind, our coffee is refined with Original Single Malt Whisky. To this day, he pampers many connoisseurs and gourmets with his unique taste. Now there is another reason to rejoice.

From now on, we are continuously expanding the GreenApe product world with several stylish gadgets and useful accessories. For you this means that you will be able to discover even more beautiful, special or practical things in the future.

GreenApe is all about lifestyle & leisure products, fun gadgets and unique food & drinks.
portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity | slogan


Font Face Observer

is a fast and simple web font loader. You can use it to load fonts and customise your browser’s font loading behaviour.

Font Face Observer gives you control over web font loading using a simple promise based interface. It doesn’t matter where your fonts come from: host them yourself, or use a web font service such as Google Fonts, Adobe Typekit, Fonts.com and Webtype.

Font Face Observer @ Github


CSS responsive grid of hexagons allows you to easily create just that for images and some text. Nice way to present a portfolio.

  • The hexagon grid is responsive according to the width of the container (#hexGrid)
  • Hexagons keep their aspect ratio according to their width
  • The number of hexagons per row is adaptive and changes from 5 to 2 on media query break points
  • A title and short text slide in on hexagon hover and focus
  • Hexagons and can be cycled through with tab (keyboard navigation)


