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Font Face Observer

is a fast and simple web font loader. You can use it to load fonts and customise your browser’s font loading behaviour.

Font Face Observer gives you control over web font loading using a simple promise based interface. It doesn’t matter where your fonts come from: host them yourself, or use a web font service such as Google Fonts, Adobe Typekit, Fonts.com and Webtype.

Font Face Observer @ Github


Quickly draw a leader line in your web page.

Leaderline @ Github


CSS responsive grid of hexagons allows you to easily create just that for images and some text. Nice way to present a portfolio.

  • The hexagon grid is responsive according to the width of the container (#hexGrid)
  • Hexagons keep their aspect ratio according to their width
  • The number of hexagons per row is adaptive and changes from 5 to 2 on media query break points
  • A title and short text slide in on hexagon hover and focus
  • Hexagons and can be cycled through with tab (keyboard navigation)




Snap.svg Animator is an open sourced plugin for Animate CC that exports animations for the web rendered in SVG.

It uses the Snap.svg JavaScript library to dynamically draw SVG content at runtime. Snap.svg is a JavaScript library created by Dmitry Baranovskiy, who also created Raphaël.js.

A simple API allows you to write and manipulate SVG content in the browser.

Adobe PluginSnap.SVG


Element queries are a new way of thinking about responsive web design where the responsive conditions apply to elements on the page instead of the width or height of the browser.
Unlike CSS @media queries, @element Queries are aware of more than just the width and height of the browser, you can write responsive conditions for a number of different situations like how many characters of text or child elements an element contains.
Another concept that element queries brings to CSS is the idea of ‘scoping’ your styles to one element in the same way that JavaScript functions define a new scope for the variables they contain.“

Element Query Conditions

Width-based Conditions

Height-based Conditions

Count-based Conditions

Scroll-based Conditions

Aspect-based Conditions


Element Queries


A library to generate PDFs in client-side JavaScript.



  • Small file size, extremely fast queries
  • Powerful JavaScript centric data selection engine
  • Database inspired features such as count, update, and insert
  • Robust cross browser support
  • Easily extended with your own functions
  • Compatible with any DOM library (jQuery, YUI, Dojo, etc)
  • Compatible with Server Side JS

TaffyDB / GitHub


  1. Data source: Array or Function (useful for asynchronous operations, e.g. calling an API).
  2. Styling: Use any CSS/framework of choice (Flexbox). You can also define how items are rendered and change default classnames.
  3. Keyboard navigation: use arrows keys to navigate.
  4. Events: several events are emitted to allow for custom behavior.
  5. Module formats: Provided as an npm module (CommonJS), a jQuery plugin, and exported as the global finder.



Simple way to make sure you are assigning unique IDs to a series of elements.


If you want to do IETF RFC-4122 compliant Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID), checkout Pure UUID.

Seems to be all about unique IDs this week ;)

Enjoy coding…


I am currently building a custom slides / template builder for a project, with a lot of moving parts and dynamic logic.

As there are repeating patterns within the slides, each pattern and its logic needs to be neatly separated.  As the slides can be reordered and dropzones can be changed, I need to make sure logic doesn’t break and IDs get updated.

Before reassembling all templates, I am making sure that IDs match the slide and dropzone using a preg_replace_callback

One of the patterns is a simple tab setup, each has its unique ID defined like vl-tab_U1_S1_D1.

The function below passes the found matches through to the anonymous callback function in preg_replace_callback and offers outside data to the function using use($foo). The $dropzone object holds the current unit, slide and dropzone of the pattern, which can be used to replace the current ID with the correct one.

Really nice combo to make magic happen  ;)

BTW here a nice website to testdrive and tweak your Regex : https://regex101.com/

Enjoy coding …
