“The Pi-hole can block ads for all devices on your network. All you need is a Raspberry Pi connected to your router. It was inspired as a low-cost, open source alternative to the AdTrap. The Pi-hole works on the the B, B+ and Pi 2.”
Will be a nice reuse for one of my older Rasberry Pis …
We are getting closer to Boostrap 4 and I really love what we are getting with the first alpha version.
All sections are back up, including the portfolio. Doing a final cleanup and than I can move over to portalZINE TV for the bigger cleanup ;)
This website and connected services are currently in a transition phase. We are redesigning everything and making some big changes.
Other areas will follow in the coming days.
A couple of interesting links for the PCTV Broadway HD S2
The PCTV Broadway HD-S2 is currently my favorite network sat receiver. It is tightly integrated into many of our network clients.
As the PCTV Broadway HD-S2 provides a nice and clean REST Api, I decided to start writing a small desktop client to access the streams and recordings (My main focus is Mac OSX / Linux for now). Sure, you can use VLC for that or just use the web interface, but I wanted something more customizable .
The Broadway PHP Api is working nicely and I am tempted to integrate the same functionality into the desktop client :)
Basic functionality working so far:
“A widget for running scripts in the Today View in OS X Yosemite’s Notification Center”
Here a nice list of sample uses
Reddit 1
Reddit 2
Example of colorized memory display
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
ps xmo rss=,pmem=,comm= | while read rss pmem comm; ((n++<5)); do size="$[rss/1024]"; short=$[4-${#size}]; size="(${size}M)"; i=0; while ((i++ < short)); do size=" $size"; done; pmem="${pmem%%.*}" if (($pmem >= 20)); then color=$'\e[31m'; elif (($pmem >= 10)); then color=$'\e[33m'; else color=$'\e[32m '; fi; echo "$color$pmem% $size $(basename "$comm")"$'\e[0m'""; done |
Frohe Weihnachen und ein Frohes Neues Jahr!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!