  • Englisch
  • Deutsch


Noizio helps you to focus with a little ambient sound, whether it’s raindrops falling, the buzz of a coffee shop, or something else.

Noizio brings those sounds to the desktop in the form of a menubar app for your Mac or an iOS Mobile App.

The App allows you to mash up different sounds and adjust each with a slider.

Noizio …


Hammer.js helps you add support for touch gestures  and removes the 300ms delay from clicks.



okayNav aims to progressively collapse navigation links into an off-screen navigation, instead of doing it for all the links at the same time.



graylog allows you to centralize and aggregate all your log files for 100% visibility. Use their powerful query language to search through terabytes of log data to discover and analyze important information.

Perfect match, when you are maintaining multiple servers and what a team to have real-time access to collected data.



jQuery-Notebook is a simple, clean and elegant WYSIWYG rich text editor.

Available commands:

  • Ctrl/Command B – Bold
  • Ctrl/Command I – Italic
  • Ctrl/Command U – Underline
  • Ctrl/Command F1 – Header 1
  • Ctrl/Command F2 – Header 2
  • Ctrl/Command Z – Undo



Chocolat.js enables you to display one or several images on the same page. You can group images via a link  or use thumbnails.

The viewer can display images in full-page or in a block mode. The setup is responsive and only 10kb small in minified form.



Had to use this for one of my latest Syntax Highlighting tweaks, so that I can use an ordered list,  line numbers and still be able to copy & paste the code :)

Enjoy coding…


  • Jetpack Stats support.
  • Better version of Merriweather and use system fonts for sans-serif (props mattmiklic).
  • Move font to stylesheet so it can be more easily overridden (props mattmiklic).
  • Fix: Template loading issues on Windows. (Thanks to everyone who reported this, especially w33zy for pointing out the validate_file issue.)
  • Fix: don’t run AMP on post comment feeds (props kraftbj).
  • Fix: un-break pagination when using a static home page with multiple pages.
  • Fix: force amp-iframe to use https to validate correctly (props mister-ben).
  • Fix: validation for target and video/audio attributes.
  • Fix: clipped images in galleries (thanks tobaco).



Again another Google AMP article, this time dealing with Syntax Highlighting. If you have a code centric website, this is important.

In one of my last articles I talked about a Generic Syntax Highlighter.   This time I want to show you, how to add Syntax Highlighting with GeSHi to a custom template in AMP-WP.


Please read up on documentation, as I am not diving into every detail.

  1. AMP-WP – github.com/Automattic/amp-wp / Documentation
    The WordPress AMP integration. We will be using a custom template for our AMP pages.
  2. Crayon Syntax Highlighter github.com/aramk/crayon-syntax-highlighter
    I am using this for Syntax Highlighting on none AMP pages. It adds specific language classes to the code / pre areas, that I am using to configure GeSHi.
  3. GeSHi – github.com/GeSHi/geshi-1.0
    The Syntax Highlighter
  4. phpQuery – github.com/punkave/phpQuery
    DOM Document transversal & modification simplified. You should be able to apply the things below with any other tool as well.
  5. My tweaks on GitHub


  1. Upload GeSHi and phpQuery to your desired location on your webserver.
  2. Call the custom template for AMP-WP in your functions.php

    I have an example stored on GitHub
  3. Create a custom template in your themes folder.We could use the following filters, but its easier to use the custom template, due to the GeSHi style setup. The problem is, that the style action is called before the content action within the template. But I am planning to build a TWIG template for myself, as I am running Timber everywhere. That will detach logic and content completely, allowing to rethink some of these things and make styling a lot easier :) So watch out for my next article!

    Add this to the top of your custom template:

    I have an example stored on GitHub. The above works, if you are using Crayon Syntax Highlighter for standard pages.
    If you use something else, this needs to be changed.
  4. Add the GeSHi styles to the amp-custom style tag

    I have an example stored on GitHub.
  5. Output updated amp-wp-content

    I have an example stored on GitHub.
  6. Save and check that your AMP page validates, by adding #development=1 to the end of the url. Check the console for errors.
    Show this page as AMP

Enjoy coding …


Really liking this, as it detaches the wireless connection from the lamp, that might fail at some point.

Light bulbs up to 40W are supported and will even be certified for outdoor usage.

emberlight provides Bluetooth, Wifi connectivity and a proximity sensor, all integrating into IFTTT and accessible through a REST Api.

