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portalZINE NMN | Development meets Creativity |I started adding a standard preface to emails from clients asking to work with me. So here it is, for potential new clients, that think about working with me :)

  1. I am not doing subcontracting. I am a full-stack developer and my customers get what they see, which means my full attention for a project. Projects I take on are handled as if they were my own.
  2. For bigger projects, I do fixed project prices only. I am not starting development without a full roadmap, timeframe and specifications in sync with the functionality required to get the project live :) A fixed project price covers all from development,  integration and  assistance in moving forward. Clients and myself hate additional hidden costs ;) Any work that moves far out of the project boundaries will be highlighted and discussed in a timely fashion.I have a reference hourly rate, which I do squeeze if a long term commitment to the project can be foreseen.I also offer hourly rates for maintenance and smaller projects. Projects can also be split up into stages, if needed!
  3. If you want someone that thinks for himself and incorporates ideas, I am the right person. If you are looking for a simple developer that just steps through a list of tasks, I am not the right person for your project.
  4. All project steps will be monitored via an Asana project to keep schedules and tasks cleanly organized. I offer be-weekly updates of the status and schedule meetings, if anything is unclear within an area currently worked on.

Anything else about me can be read here:

If you made it so far and you still would like to work with me, we can move to step 2 :)


Get in touch with me …


How do I choose the right JavaScript framework for my next single-page application project?

A question I have asked myself over and over again.

There are countless options these days, that claim to be the ultimate solution to all our developments needs.


I have build applications with

  1. Angular
  2. Backbone
  3. Ember.js
  4. Knockout
  5. Ampersand.js
  6. Rivets


I have looked at

  1. Polymer
  2. React
  3. and many other solutions out there.

And I seem to be evaluating new options every week :)


The only answer I can give you is that :

  1. None of them will fit any of your projects perfectly.
  2. None of these will cover all project areas to your personal satisfaction.
  3. None of these will prevent you from errors and the need for unconventional solutions.

In the end its a matter of personal taste and project requirements. We only have limited resources to finish a project and find solutions to unsolved problems in a timely fashion (yes this always happens). Go out and play :) Also take  a look at TodoMVC, which might help you to decide. No guarantees !

Over the past few month I have evaluated all the things that I used in the past. I  started stripping it all down to a bare set of essentials, that have been following me for a long time. There are solutions that just fit and require no replacement.


So my answer for the perfect framework, is a set of solid singular solutions that have proven themselves over the years. Working solo or together in harmony.

 Like a painter I want to choose my own brushes and color mixture. Programming is an art that needs freedom.  A freedom that can often be limited by a too strictly defined framework. Structure is important, but it should never dictate the options you have to fulfill your project goals and limit you.

I will be covering some of those tools here in coming articles.

I will talk about:

  1. MVC
  2. DOM manipulation
  3. Templates
  4. Data-Binding
  5. Directives
  6. Routing
  7. Observables for Arrays and Objects
  8. Modules
  9. Dependency Loading
  10. Utility solutions

…enjoy coding


“Holland America Line Reisprofile Test” provides an interface for customers to find out which cruise type they are.
By sliding the images you are choosing your preferences and define your cruise type, which allows you to get an individual set of cruises sent to you.



film2learn is a new Learning Management System (LMS) / platform for B2B partners, that I just released together with Dr Dish TV this week.

A highly customized system, that gives each partner their own little LMS universe to share knowledge with distribution partners or staff.

An easy way to introduce new products and teach how to promote them.



This is a series of articles summing up some of the key points when planning a Google Adwords campaign.

  1. Building up a Google Adwords campaign (1) – Research
  2. Building up a Google Adwords campaign (2) – Starting the campaign

With the keywords defined, we can start with the setup of the campaign.

I am not actually going over each of the options provided by the Adwords interface, but I provide you with  an initial and fast first start. The Google Adwords documentation is very detailed and it makes no senses replicating that here.

Continue reading Building up a Google Adwords campaign (2) – Starting the campaign


This is a series of articles summing up some of the key points when planning a Google Adwords campaign.

  1. Building up a Google Adwords campaign (1) – Research
  2. Building up a Google Adwords campaign (2) – Starting the campaign

When doing an Adwords campaign research always comes first!

Keyword Research

Which keywords are most relevant to your campaign and are used by people to find your product/service/company?These are also relevant for the keywords that you will be using on the target website itself.

Can also be adjusted in the long run by checking the log and see what search keywords visitors used to reach the website.

Adwords also provides a quality score for keywords, so that you don’t waste your time on underperforming keywords.

Consistency between the landing page content and Adwords keywords is important. Quality search results are awarded with a higher quality score by Google. Continue reading Building up a Google Adwords campaign (1) – Research


Launched Danone Generation Growth by Nutricia with More than Live yesterday



Over the past months I have been building a virtual competition, for one of my clients, for the tournament 2014 in Brazil.

  1. Full integration and signup to the game through Facebook
  2. Multi-language setup
  3. Choose your own team of players from the 32 competing countries, with countries only represented once in your team.
  4. Update your team until the start of the tournament
  5. During the tournament your team scores according to real data coming in from a sport result data provider. Team scores are calculated by a fixed rule set.
  6. You have 3 substitutes that you can deploy during the tournament to optimize your team or replace players that have been eliminated
  7. You play for a specific country or you can join or create a group to compete against each other with friends.
  8. Team ranking is provided on country and group level.
  9. Social sharing, invites and posting to Facebook

The project had its challenges and I plan to dive into some of those areas in the future, as soon as the tournament is over ;)

